How can I plot a Farey diagram?How to make this beautiful animationPlotting an epicycloidGenerating a topological space diagram for an n-element setMathematica code for Bifurcation DiagramHow to draw a contour diagram in Mathematica?How to draw timing diagram from a list of values?Expressing a series formulaBifurcation diagram for Piecewise functionHow to draw a clock-diagram?How can I plot a space time diagram in mathematica?Plotting classical polymer modelA problem in bifurcation diagram
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How can I plot a Farey diagram?
How to make this beautiful animationPlotting an epicycloidGenerating a topological space diagram for an n-element setMathematica code for Bifurcation DiagramHow to draw a contour diagram in Mathematica?How to draw timing diagram from a list of values?Expressing a series formulaBifurcation diagram for Piecewise functionHow to draw a clock-diagram?How can I plot a space time diagram in mathematica?Plotting classical polymer modelA problem in bifurcation diagram
How can I plot the following diagram for a Farey series?
graphics number-theory
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How can I plot the following diagram for a Farey series?
graphics number-theory
From the beautiful book A. Hatcher Topology of numbers
– G. R.
Apr 8 at 21:16
Could you perhaps expand a bit on how the curves are calculated etc?
– MarcoB
Apr 8 at 21:40
– Moo
Apr 8 at 23:17
Technically this is not a Farey series/sequence $F_n$ of order $n$, which is defined to be all fractions (sometimes restricted to the interval between 0 and 1) with denominator at most $n$. For example 3/8 is present but not 1/8. It's a recursive mediant subdivision. It's related in that in any three successive terms of a Farey sequence, the middle one is the mediant of the other two.
– Michael E2
Apr 9 at 17:44
If it wasn't for the very good answers you got, I would have voted to close this question as it gives no details, no definitions no code and shows no personal effort. Please, next time try asking good questions.
– rhermans
Apr 11 at 9:18
show 1 more comment
How can I plot the following diagram for a Farey series?
graphics number-theory
How can I plot the following diagram for a Farey series?
graphics number-theory
graphics number-theory
edited Apr 9 at 3:01
Michael E2
asked Apr 8 at 21:12
G. R.G. R.
From the beautiful book A. Hatcher Topology of numbers
– G. R.
Apr 8 at 21:16
Could you perhaps expand a bit on how the curves are calculated etc?
– MarcoB
Apr 8 at 21:40
– Moo
Apr 8 at 23:17
Technically this is not a Farey series/sequence $F_n$ of order $n$, which is defined to be all fractions (sometimes restricted to the interval between 0 and 1) with denominator at most $n$. For example 3/8 is present but not 1/8. It's a recursive mediant subdivision. It's related in that in any three successive terms of a Farey sequence, the middle one is the mediant of the other two.
– Michael E2
Apr 9 at 17:44
If it wasn't for the very good answers you got, I would have voted to close this question as it gives no details, no definitions no code and shows no personal effort. Please, next time try asking good questions.
– rhermans
Apr 11 at 9:18
show 1 more comment
From the beautiful book A. Hatcher Topology of numbers
– G. R.
Apr 8 at 21:16
Could you perhaps expand a bit on how the curves are calculated etc?
– MarcoB
Apr 8 at 21:40
– Moo
Apr 8 at 23:17
Technically this is not a Farey series/sequence $F_n$ of order $n$, which is defined to be all fractions (sometimes restricted to the interval between 0 and 1) with denominator at most $n$. For example 3/8 is present but not 1/8. It's a recursive mediant subdivision. It's related in that in any three successive terms of a Farey sequence, the middle one is the mediant of the other two.
– Michael E2
Apr 9 at 17:44
If it wasn't for the very good answers you got, I would have voted to close this question as it gives no details, no definitions no code and shows no personal effort. Please, next time try asking good questions.
– rhermans
Apr 11 at 9:18
From the beautiful book A. Hatcher Topology of numbers
– G. R.
Apr 8 at 21:16
From the beautiful book A. Hatcher Topology of numbers
– G. R.
Apr 8 at 21:16
Could you perhaps expand a bit on how the curves are calculated etc?
– MarcoB
Apr 8 at 21:40
Could you perhaps expand a bit on how the curves are calculated etc?
– MarcoB
Apr 8 at 21:40
– Moo
Apr 8 at 23:17
– Moo
Apr 8 at 23:17
Technically this is not a Farey series/sequence $F_n$ of order $n$, which is defined to be all fractions (sometimes restricted to the interval between 0 and 1) with denominator at most $n$. For example 3/8 is present but not 1/8. It's a recursive mediant subdivision. It's related in that in any three successive terms of a Farey sequence, the middle one is the mediant of the other two.
– Michael E2
Apr 9 at 17:44
Technically this is not a Farey series/sequence $F_n$ of order $n$, which is defined to be all fractions (sometimes restricted to the interval between 0 and 1) with denominator at most $n$. For example 3/8 is present but not 1/8. It's a recursive mediant subdivision. It's related in that in any three successive terms of a Farey sequence, the middle one is the mediant of the other two.
– Michael E2
Apr 9 at 17:44
If it wasn't for the very good answers you got, I would have voted to close this question as it gives no details, no definitions no code and shows no personal effort. Please, next time try asking good questions.
– rhermans
Apr 11 at 9:18
If it wasn't for the very good answers you got, I would have voted to close this question as it gives no details, no definitions no code and shows no personal effort. Please, next time try asking good questions.
– rhermans
Apr 11 at 9:18
show 1 more comment
4 Answers
The curvilinear triangles which are characteristic for this type of plot are called hypocycloid curves. We can use the parametric equations on Wikipedia to plot these, like so:
x[a_, b_, t_] := (b - a) Cos[t] + a Cos[(b - a)/a t]
y[a_, b_, t_] := (b - a) Sin[t] - a Sin[(b - a)/a t]
hypocycloid[n_] := ParametricPlot[
x[1/n, 1, t], y[1/n, 1, t],
t, 0, 2 Pi,
PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.002], Black
Graphics[Circle[0, 0, 1]],
ImageSize -> 500
I've previously written about an application of hypocycloids here, and I showed how to visualize epicycloids here.
How to generate the labels is described here (also linked to by moo in a comment). I will simply provide the code.
mediant[a_, b_, c_, d_] := a + c, b + d
recursive[v1_, v2_, depth_] := If[
depth > 2,
mediant[v1, v2],
recursive[v1, mediant[v1, v2], depth + 1],
mediant[v1, v2],
recursive[mediant[v1, v2], v2, depth + 1]
computeLabels[v1_, v2_] := Module[numbers,
numbers =
Cases[recursive[v1, v2, 0], _Integer, _Integer, Infinity];
StringTemplate["``/``"] @@@ numbers
computeLabelsNegative[v1_, v2_] := Module[numbers,
numbers =
Cases[recursive[v1, v2, 0], _Integer, _Integer, Infinity];
StringTemplate["-`2`/`1`"] @@@ numbers
labels = Reverse@Join[
computeLabels[1, 0, 1, 1],
computeLabels[1, 1, 0, 1],
computeLabelsNegative[1, 0, 1, 1],
computeLabelsNegative[1, 1, 0, 1]
coords = CirclePoints[1.1, 186 Degree, 64];
Graphics[Circle[0, 0, 1]],
Graphics@MapThread[Text, labels, coords],
ImageSize -> 500
add a comment |
Using Graph with a bit of coding:
addPoint[p : h_[a_,b_], q : h_[c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[a_,b_], q : h_[-1][c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[-1][a_,b_], q : h_[c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[-1][a_,b_], q : h_[-1][c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
fLabel[fr_, angle_] :=
With[tangle=ArcTan@@angle, Placed[fLabel[fr], AngleVector[1/2, 1/2, .7, #] & /@tangle, tangle+Pi]]
fLabel[h_[a_, b_]] := ToString[a] ~~ "/" ~~ ToString[b]
fLabel[h_[-1][a_, b_]] := "-" ~~ ToString[a] ~~ "/" ~~ ToString[b]
FareyDiagram[n_Integer, d_Integer: 1, opts___?OptionQ] :=
Block[fr, top, bottom, stedges, toppart, bottompart, vert, edges, coords, labels, labpos, cfunc, i, edgestyle, dstyle, nopts,
cfunc = ColorFunction /. Flatten[opts] /. ColorFunction -> Automatic;
nopts = FilterRules[Flatten[opts], Options[Graph]];
top = fr[0,1], fr[1,1], fr[1,0];
bottom = fr[1,0], fr[-1][1,1], fr[0,1];
stedges = UndirectedEdge@@@Join[Partition[top, 2, 1], Partition[bottom, 2, 1], fr[0, 1],fr[1, 0]];
i = 0;toppart = Reap[Nest[(i++; Split[Flatten[addPoint[#, i] & /@ Partition[#, 2, 1],1]][[All,1]])&, top, n]];
i = 0;bottompart = Reap[Nest[(i++; Split[Flatten[addPoint[#, i] & /@ Partition[#,2,1],1]][[All,1]])&,bottom, n]];
vert = Join[toppart[[1]], bottompart[[1, 2;;-2]]];
edges = Flatten[stedges, toppart[[2, 1]], bottompart[[2, 1]]];
coords = CirclePoints[1,0,Length[vert]];
labpos = Range[1, Length[vert], 2 ^ (d - 1)];
labels = Thread[vert[[labpos]]->fLabel@@@Transpose[vert,coords][[labpos]]];
edgestyle = Black;
dstyle = Black;
If[cfunc =!= Automatic,
edgestyle = Flatten[Table[0, Length[stedges]], toppart[[2, 2]], bottompart[[2, 2]]];
edgestyle = edgestyle / Max[edgestyle];
edgestyle = Thread[edges -> Flatten[cfunc[1 - #] & /@ edgestyle]];
dstyle = cfunc[1]
Graph[vert, edges, nopts, VertexCoordinates->CirclePoints[1,0,Length[vert]], VertexLabels->labels,
EdgeShapeFunction->(BSplineCurve[#1[[1]],0,0,#1[[2]], SplineWeights->2,EuclideanDistance@@#,2]&),
PerformanceGoal->"Speed", Epilog->dstyle, Circle[], VertexShapeFunction -> "Point", EdgeStyle -> edgestyle, VertexStyle -> dstyle]
FareyDiagram[6, 4, ColorFunction -> Hue,
VertexLabelStyle -> Darker[Red]]
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I looked up the Farey sequence on Wikipedia, out of curiosity, because I had not heard of it before. The Farey sequence of order $n$ is "the sequence of completely reduced fractions between 0 and 1 which, when in lowest terms, have denominators less than or equal to $n$, arranged in order of increasing size".
On that basis, you can generate the sequence as follows, for instance:
farey[n_Integer] := (Divide @@@ Subsets[Range[n], 2]) ~ Join ~ 0, 1 //DeleteDuplicates //Sort
So for instance:
0, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 1
I am not sure how these sequences are connected with the figure you showed though.
Thanks to C.E., it is a concrete answer
– G. R.
Apr 9 at 12:58
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grupo[n_] := Show[Graphics[Thin, Red,
Circle[0, 0, 1, 0, Pi/2]], Graphics[Thin,
Map[BSplineCurve[#1[[1]], 0, 0, #1[[2]],
SplineWeights -> 2, EuclideanDistance @@
Partition[ReIm[Exp[Pi/2 I #]] & /@
FareySequence[n], 2, 1]]], Map[Graphics[Blue,
Point[ReIm[Exp[Pi/2 I #]]]] &,
FareySequence[n]], PlotRange -> All]
Show[Table[grupo[n], n, 2, 7]]
the true farey diagram based on the answers given above
– G. R.
Apr 16 at 23:52
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4 Answers
4 Answers
The curvilinear triangles which are characteristic for this type of plot are called hypocycloid curves. We can use the parametric equations on Wikipedia to plot these, like so:
x[a_, b_, t_] := (b - a) Cos[t] + a Cos[(b - a)/a t]
y[a_, b_, t_] := (b - a) Sin[t] - a Sin[(b - a)/a t]
hypocycloid[n_] := ParametricPlot[
x[1/n, 1, t], y[1/n, 1, t],
t, 0, 2 Pi,
PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.002], Black
Graphics[Circle[0, 0, 1]],
ImageSize -> 500
I've previously written about an application of hypocycloids here, and I showed how to visualize epicycloids here.
How to generate the labels is described here (also linked to by moo in a comment). I will simply provide the code.
mediant[a_, b_, c_, d_] := a + c, b + d
recursive[v1_, v2_, depth_] := If[
depth > 2,
mediant[v1, v2],
recursive[v1, mediant[v1, v2], depth + 1],
mediant[v1, v2],
recursive[mediant[v1, v2], v2, depth + 1]
computeLabels[v1_, v2_] := Module[numbers,
numbers =
Cases[recursive[v1, v2, 0], _Integer, _Integer, Infinity];
StringTemplate["``/``"] @@@ numbers
computeLabelsNegative[v1_, v2_] := Module[numbers,
numbers =
Cases[recursive[v1, v2, 0], _Integer, _Integer, Infinity];
StringTemplate["-`2`/`1`"] @@@ numbers
labels = Reverse@Join[
computeLabels[1, 0, 1, 1],
computeLabels[1, 1, 0, 1],
computeLabelsNegative[1, 0, 1, 1],
computeLabelsNegative[1, 1, 0, 1]
coords = CirclePoints[1.1, 186 Degree, 64];
Graphics[Circle[0, 0, 1]],
Graphics@MapThread[Text, labels, coords],
ImageSize -> 500
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The curvilinear triangles which are characteristic for this type of plot are called hypocycloid curves. We can use the parametric equations on Wikipedia to plot these, like so:
x[a_, b_, t_] := (b - a) Cos[t] + a Cos[(b - a)/a t]
y[a_, b_, t_] := (b - a) Sin[t] - a Sin[(b - a)/a t]
hypocycloid[n_] := ParametricPlot[
x[1/n, 1, t], y[1/n, 1, t],
t, 0, 2 Pi,
PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.002], Black
Graphics[Circle[0, 0, 1]],
ImageSize -> 500
I've previously written about an application of hypocycloids here, and I showed how to visualize epicycloids here.
How to generate the labels is described here (also linked to by moo in a comment). I will simply provide the code.
mediant[a_, b_, c_, d_] := a + c, b + d
recursive[v1_, v2_, depth_] := If[
depth > 2,
mediant[v1, v2],
recursive[v1, mediant[v1, v2], depth + 1],
mediant[v1, v2],
recursive[mediant[v1, v2], v2, depth + 1]
computeLabels[v1_, v2_] := Module[numbers,
numbers =
Cases[recursive[v1, v2, 0], _Integer, _Integer, Infinity];
StringTemplate["``/``"] @@@ numbers
computeLabelsNegative[v1_, v2_] := Module[numbers,
numbers =
Cases[recursive[v1, v2, 0], _Integer, _Integer, Infinity];
StringTemplate["-`2`/`1`"] @@@ numbers
labels = Reverse@Join[
computeLabels[1, 0, 1, 1],
computeLabels[1, 1, 0, 1],
computeLabelsNegative[1, 0, 1, 1],
computeLabelsNegative[1, 1, 0, 1]
coords = CirclePoints[1.1, 186 Degree, 64];
Graphics[Circle[0, 0, 1]],
Graphics@MapThread[Text, labels, coords],
ImageSize -> 500
add a comment |
The curvilinear triangles which are characteristic for this type of plot are called hypocycloid curves. We can use the parametric equations on Wikipedia to plot these, like so:
x[a_, b_, t_] := (b - a) Cos[t] + a Cos[(b - a)/a t]
y[a_, b_, t_] := (b - a) Sin[t] - a Sin[(b - a)/a t]
hypocycloid[n_] := ParametricPlot[
x[1/n, 1, t], y[1/n, 1, t],
t, 0, 2 Pi,
PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.002], Black
Graphics[Circle[0, 0, 1]],
ImageSize -> 500
I've previously written about an application of hypocycloids here, and I showed how to visualize epicycloids here.
How to generate the labels is described here (also linked to by moo in a comment). I will simply provide the code.
mediant[a_, b_, c_, d_] := a + c, b + d
recursive[v1_, v2_, depth_] := If[
depth > 2,
mediant[v1, v2],
recursive[v1, mediant[v1, v2], depth + 1],
mediant[v1, v2],
recursive[mediant[v1, v2], v2, depth + 1]
computeLabels[v1_, v2_] := Module[numbers,
numbers =
Cases[recursive[v1, v2, 0], _Integer, _Integer, Infinity];
StringTemplate["``/``"] @@@ numbers
computeLabelsNegative[v1_, v2_] := Module[numbers,
numbers =
Cases[recursive[v1, v2, 0], _Integer, _Integer, Infinity];
StringTemplate["-`2`/`1`"] @@@ numbers
labels = Reverse@Join[
computeLabels[1, 0, 1, 1],
computeLabels[1, 1, 0, 1],
computeLabelsNegative[1, 0, 1, 1],
computeLabelsNegative[1, 1, 0, 1]
coords = CirclePoints[1.1, 186 Degree, 64];
Graphics[Circle[0, 0, 1]],
Graphics@MapThread[Text, labels, coords],
ImageSize -> 500
The curvilinear triangles which are characteristic for this type of plot are called hypocycloid curves. We can use the parametric equations on Wikipedia to plot these, like so:
x[a_, b_, t_] := (b - a) Cos[t] + a Cos[(b - a)/a t]
y[a_, b_, t_] := (b - a) Sin[t] - a Sin[(b - a)/a t]
hypocycloid[n_] := ParametricPlot[
x[1/n, 1, t], y[1/n, 1, t],
t, 0, 2 Pi,
PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.002], Black
Graphics[Circle[0, 0, 1]],
ImageSize -> 500
I've previously written about an application of hypocycloids here, and I showed how to visualize epicycloids here.
How to generate the labels is described here (also linked to by moo in a comment). I will simply provide the code.
mediant[a_, b_, c_, d_] := a + c, b + d
recursive[v1_, v2_, depth_] := If[
depth > 2,
mediant[v1, v2],
recursive[v1, mediant[v1, v2], depth + 1],
mediant[v1, v2],
recursive[mediant[v1, v2], v2, depth + 1]
computeLabels[v1_, v2_] := Module[numbers,
numbers =
Cases[recursive[v1, v2, 0], _Integer, _Integer, Infinity];
StringTemplate["``/``"] @@@ numbers
computeLabelsNegative[v1_, v2_] := Module[numbers,
numbers =
Cases[recursive[v1, v2, 0], _Integer, _Integer, Infinity];
StringTemplate["-`2`/`1`"] @@@ numbers
labels = Reverse@Join[
computeLabels[1, 0, 1, 1],
computeLabels[1, 1, 0, 1],
computeLabelsNegative[1, 0, 1, 1],
computeLabelsNegative[1, 1, 0, 1]
coords = CirclePoints[1.1, 186 Degree, 64];
Graphics[Circle[0, 0, 1]],
Graphics@MapThread[Text, labels, coords],
ImageSize -> 500
edited Apr 9 at 6:50
answered Apr 9 at 3:27
C. E.C. E.
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Using Graph with a bit of coding:
addPoint[p : h_[a_,b_], q : h_[c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[a_,b_], q : h_[-1][c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[-1][a_,b_], q : h_[c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[-1][a_,b_], q : h_[-1][c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
fLabel[fr_, angle_] :=
With[tangle=ArcTan@@angle, Placed[fLabel[fr], AngleVector[1/2, 1/2, .7, #] & /@tangle, tangle+Pi]]
fLabel[h_[a_, b_]] := ToString[a] ~~ "/" ~~ ToString[b]
fLabel[h_[-1][a_, b_]] := "-" ~~ ToString[a] ~~ "/" ~~ ToString[b]
FareyDiagram[n_Integer, d_Integer: 1, opts___?OptionQ] :=
Block[fr, top, bottom, stedges, toppart, bottompart, vert, edges, coords, labels, labpos, cfunc, i, edgestyle, dstyle, nopts,
cfunc = ColorFunction /. Flatten[opts] /. ColorFunction -> Automatic;
nopts = FilterRules[Flatten[opts], Options[Graph]];
top = fr[0,1], fr[1,1], fr[1,0];
bottom = fr[1,0], fr[-1][1,1], fr[0,1];
stedges = UndirectedEdge@@@Join[Partition[top, 2, 1], Partition[bottom, 2, 1], fr[0, 1],fr[1, 0]];
i = 0;toppart = Reap[Nest[(i++; Split[Flatten[addPoint[#, i] & /@ Partition[#, 2, 1],1]][[All,1]])&, top, n]];
i = 0;bottompart = Reap[Nest[(i++; Split[Flatten[addPoint[#, i] & /@ Partition[#,2,1],1]][[All,1]])&,bottom, n]];
vert = Join[toppart[[1]], bottompart[[1, 2;;-2]]];
edges = Flatten[stedges, toppart[[2, 1]], bottompart[[2, 1]]];
coords = CirclePoints[1,0,Length[vert]];
labpos = Range[1, Length[vert], 2 ^ (d - 1)];
labels = Thread[vert[[labpos]]->fLabel@@@Transpose[vert,coords][[labpos]]];
edgestyle = Black;
dstyle = Black;
If[cfunc =!= Automatic,
edgestyle = Flatten[Table[0, Length[stedges]], toppart[[2, 2]], bottompart[[2, 2]]];
edgestyle = edgestyle / Max[edgestyle];
edgestyle = Thread[edges -> Flatten[cfunc[1 - #] & /@ edgestyle]];
dstyle = cfunc[1]
Graph[vert, edges, nopts, VertexCoordinates->CirclePoints[1,0,Length[vert]], VertexLabels->labels,
EdgeShapeFunction->(BSplineCurve[#1[[1]],0,0,#1[[2]], SplineWeights->2,EuclideanDistance@@#,2]&),
PerformanceGoal->"Speed", Epilog->dstyle, Circle[], VertexShapeFunction -> "Point", EdgeStyle -> edgestyle, VertexStyle -> dstyle]
FareyDiagram[6, 4, ColorFunction -> Hue,
VertexLabelStyle -> Darker[Red]]
add a comment |
Using Graph with a bit of coding:
addPoint[p : h_[a_,b_], q : h_[c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[a_,b_], q : h_[-1][c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[-1][a_,b_], q : h_[c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[-1][a_,b_], q : h_[-1][c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
fLabel[fr_, angle_] :=
With[tangle=ArcTan@@angle, Placed[fLabel[fr], AngleVector[1/2, 1/2, .7, #] & /@tangle, tangle+Pi]]
fLabel[h_[a_, b_]] := ToString[a] ~~ "/" ~~ ToString[b]
fLabel[h_[-1][a_, b_]] := "-" ~~ ToString[a] ~~ "/" ~~ ToString[b]
FareyDiagram[n_Integer, d_Integer: 1, opts___?OptionQ] :=
Block[fr, top, bottom, stedges, toppart, bottompart, vert, edges, coords, labels, labpos, cfunc, i, edgestyle, dstyle, nopts,
cfunc = ColorFunction /. Flatten[opts] /. ColorFunction -> Automatic;
nopts = FilterRules[Flatten[opts], Options[Graph]];
top = fr[0,1], fr[1,1], fr[1,0];
bottom = fr[1,0], fr[-1][1,1], fr[0,1];
stedges = UndirectedEdge@@@Join[Partition[top, 2, 1], Partition[bottom, 2, 1], fr[0, 1],fr[1, 0]];
i = 0;toppart = Reap[Nest[(i++; Split[Flatten[addPoint[#, i] & /@ Partition[#, 2, 1],1]][[All,1]])&, top, n]];
i = 0;bottompart = Reap[Nest[(i++; Split[Flatten[addPoint[#, i] & /@ Partition[#,2,1],1]][[All,1]])&,bottom, n]];
vert = Join[toppart[[1]], bottompart[[1, 2;;-2]]];
edges = Flatten[stedges, toppart[[2, 1]], bottompart[[2, 1]]];
coords = CirclePoints[1,0,Length[vert]];
labpos = Range[1, Length[vert], 2 ^ (d - 1)];
labels = Thread[vert[[labpos]]->fLabel@@@Transpose[vert,coords][[labpos]]];
edgestyle = Black;
dstyle = Black;
If[cfunc =!= Automatic,
edgestyle = Flatten[Table[0, Length[stedges]], toppart[[2, 2]], bottompart[[2, 2]]];
edgestyle = edgestyle / Max[edgestyle];
edgestyle = Thread[edges -> Flatten[cfunc[1 - #] & /@ edgestyle]];
dstyle = cfunc[1]
Graph[vert, edges, nopts, VertexCoordinates->CirclePoints[1,0,Length[vert]], VertexLabels->labels,
EdgeShapeFunction->(BSplineCurve[#1[[1]],0,0,#1[[2]], SplineWeights->2,EuclideanDistance@@#,2]&),
PerformanceGoal->"Speed", Epilog->dstyle, Circle[], VertexShapeFunction -> "Point", EdgeStyle -> edgestyle, VertexStyle -> dstyle]
FareyDiagram[6, 4, ColorFunction -> Hue,
VertexLabelStyle -> Darker[Red]]
add a comment |
Using Graph with a bit of coding:
addPoint[p : h_[a_,b_], q : h_[c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[a_,b_], q : h_[-1][c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[-1][a_,b_], q : h_[c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[-1][a_,b_], q : h_[-1][c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
fLabel[fr_, angle_] :=
With[tangle=ArcTan@@angle, Placed[fLabel[fr], AngleVector[1/2, 1/2, .7, #] & /@tangle, tangle+Pi]]
fLabel[h_[a_, b_]] := ToString[a] ~~ "/" ~~ ToString[b]
fLabel[h_[-1][a_, b_]] := "-" ~~ ToString[a] ~~ "/" ~~ ToString[b]
FareyDiagram[n_Integer, d_Integer: 1, opts___?OptionQ] :=
Block[fr, top, bottom, stedges, toppart, bottompart, vert, edges, coords, labels, labpos, cfunc, i, edgestyle, dstyle, nopts,
cfunc = ColorFunction /. Flatten[opts] /. ColorFunction -> Automatic;
nopts = FilterRules[Flatten[opts], Options[Graph]];
top = fr[0,1], fr[1,1], fr[1,0];
bottom = fr[1,0], fr[-1][1,1], fr[0,1];
stedges = UndirectedEdge@@@Join[Partition[top, 2, 1], Partition[bottom, 2, 1], fr[0, 1],fr[1, 0]];
i = 0;toppart = Reap[Nest[(i++; Split[Flatten[addPoint[#, i] & /@ Partition[#, 2, 1],1]][[All,1]])&, top, n]];
i = 0;bottompart = Reap[Nest[(i++; Split[Flatten[addPoint[#, i] & /@ Partition[#,2,1],1]][[All,1]])&,bottom, n]];
vert = Join[toppart[[1]], bottompart[[1, 2;;-2]]];
edges = Flatten[stedges, toppart[[2, 1]], bottompart[[2, 1]]];
coords = CirclePoints[1,0,Length[vert]];
labpos = Range[1, Length[vert], 2 ^ (d - 1)];
labels = Thread[vert[[labpos]]->fLabel@@@Transpose[vert,coords][[labpos]]];
edgestyle = Black;
dstyle = Black;
If[cfunc =!= Automatic,
edgestyle = Flatten[Table[0, Length[stedges]], toppart[[2, 2]], bottompart[[2, 2]]];
edgestyle = edgestyle / Max[edgestyle];
edgestyle = Thread[edges -> Flatten[cfunc[1 - #] & /@ edgestyle]];
dstyle = cfunc[1]
Graph[vert, edges, nopts, VertexCoordinates->CirclePoints[1,0,Length[vert]], VertexLabels->labels,
EdgeShapeFunction->(BSplineCurve[#1[[1]],0,0,#1[[2]], SplineWeights->2,EuclideanDistance@@#,2]&),
PerformanceGoal->"Speed", Epilog->dstyle, Circle[], VertexShapeFunction -> "Point", EdgeStyle -> edgestyle, VertexStyle -> dstyle]
FareyDiagram[6, 4, ColorFunction -> Hue,
VertexLabelStyle -> Darker[Red]]
Using Graph with a bit of coding:
addPoint[p : h_[a_,b_], q : h_[c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[a_,b_], q : h_[-1][c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[-1][a_,b_], q : h_[c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
addPoint[p : h_[-1][a_,b_], q : h_[-1][c_,d_], i_] :=
With[np = h[-1][a + c, b + d], Sow[p [UndirectedEdge] np, np [UndirectedEdge] q]; Sow[i, i, "Depth"]; p, np, q]
fLabel[fr_, angle_] :=
With[tangle=ArcTan@@angle, Placed[fLabel[fr], AngleVector[1/2, 1/2, .7, #] & /@tangle, tangle+Pi]]
fLabel[h_[a_, b_]] := ToString[a] ~~ "/" ~~ ToString[b]
fLabel[h_[-1][a_, b_]] := "-" ~~ ToString[a] ~~ "/" ~~ ToString[b]
FareyDiagram[n_Integer, d_Integer: 1, opts___?OptionQ] :=
Block[fr, top, bottom, stedges, toppart, bottompart, vert, edges, coords, labels, labpos, cfunc, i, edgestyle, dstyle, nopts,
cfunc = ColorFunction /. Flatten[opts] /. ColorFunction -> Automatic;
nopts = FilterRules[Flatten[opts], Options[Graph]];
top = fr[0,1], fr[1,1], fr[1,0];
bottom = fr[1,0], fr[-1][1,1], fr[0,1];
stedges = UndirectedEdge@@@Join[Partition[top, 2, 1], Partition[bottom, 2, 1], fr[0, 1],fr[1, 0]];
i = 0;toppart = Reap[Nest[(i++; Split[Flatten[addPoint[#, i] & /@ Partition[#, 2, 1],1]][[All,1]])&, top, n]];
i = 0;bottompart = Reap[Nest[(i++; Split[Flatten[addPoint[#, i] & /@ Partition[#,2,1],1]][[All,1]])&,bottom, n]];
vert = Join[toppart[[1]], bottompart[[1, 2;;-2]]];
edges = Flatten[stedges, toppart[[2, 1]], bottompart[[2, 1]]];
coords = CirclePoints[1,0,Length[vert]];
labpos = Range[1, Length[vert], 2 ^ (d - 1)];
labels = Thread[vert[[labpos]]->fLabel@@@Transpose[vert,coords][[labpos]]];
edgestyle = Black;
dstyle = Black;
If[cfunc =!= Automatic,
edgestyle = Flatten[Table[0, Length[stedges]], toppart[[2, 2]], bottompart[[2, 2]]];
edgestyle = edgestyle / Max[edgestyle];
edgestyle = Thread[edges -> Flatten[cfunc[1 - #] & /@ edgestyle]];
dstyle = cfunc[1]
Graph[vert, edges, nopts, VertexCoordinates->CirclePoints[1,0,Length[vert]], VertexLabels->labels,
EdgeShapeFunction->(BSplineCurve[#1[[1]],0,0,#1[[2]], SplineWeights->2,EuclideanDistance@@#,2]&),
PerformanceGoal->"Speed", Epilog->dstyle, Circle[], VertexShapeFunction -> "Point", EdgeStyle -> edgestyle, VertexStyle -> dstyle]
FareyDiagram[6, 4, ColorFunction -> Hue,
VertexLabelStyle -> Darker[Red]]
edited Apr 9 at 16:08
answered Apr 9 at 15:53
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I looked up the Farey sequence on Wikipedia, out of curiosity, because I had not heard of it before. The Farey sequence of order $n$ is "the sequence of completely reduced fractions between 0 and 1 which, when in lowest terms, have denominators less than or equal to $n$, arranged in order of increasing size".
On that basis, you can generate the sequence as follows, for instance:
farey[n_Integer] := (Divide @@@ Subsets[Range[n], 2]) ~ Join ~ 0, 1 //DeleteDuplicates //Sort
So for instance:
0, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 1
I am not sure how these sequences are connected with the figure you showed though.
Thanks to C.E., it is a concrete answer
– G. R.
Apr 9 at 12:58
add a comment |
I looked up the Farey sequence on Wikipedia, out of curiosity, because I had not heard of it before. The Farey sequence of order $n$ is "the sequence of completely reduced fractions between 0 and 1 which, when in lowest terms, have denominators less than or equal to $n$, arranged in order of increasing size".
On that basis, you can generate the sequence as follows, for instance:
farey[n_Integer] := (Divide @@@ Subsets[Range[n], 2]) ~ Join ~ 0, 1 //DeleteDuplicates //Sort
So for instance:
0, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 1
I am not sure how these sequences are connected with the figure you showed though.
Thanks to C.E., it is a concrete answer
– G. R.
Apr 9 at 12:58
add a comment |
I looked up the Farey sequence on Wikipedia, out of curiosity, because I had not heard of it before. The Farey sequence of order $n$ is "the sequence of completely reduced fractions between 0 and 1 which, when in lowest terms, have denominators less than or equal to $n$, arranged in order of increasing size".
On that basis, you can generate the sequence as follows, for instance:
farey[n_Integer] := (Divide @@@ Subsets[Range[n], 2]) ~ Join ~ 0, 1 //DeleteDuplicates //Sort
So for instance:
0, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 1
I am not sure how these sequences are connected with the figure you showed though.
I looked up the Farey sequence on Wikipedia, out of curiosity, because I had not heard of it before. The Farey sequence of order $n$ is "the sequence of completely reduced fractions between 0 and 1 which, when in lowest terms, have denominators less than or equal to $n$, arranged in order of increasing size".
On that basis, you can generate the sequence as follows, for instance:
farey[n_Integer] := (Divide @@@ Subsets[Range[n], 2]) ~ Join ~ 0, 1 //DeleteDuplicates //Sort
So for instance:
0, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 1
I am not sure how these sequences are connected with the figure you showed though.
answered Apr 8 at 21:59
Thanks to C.E., it is a concrete answer
– G. R.
Apr 9 at 12:58
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Thanks to C.E., it is a concrete answer
– G. R.
Apr 9 at 12:58
Thanks to C.E., it is a concrete answer
– G. R.
Apr 9 at 12:58
Thanks to C.E., it is a concrete answer
– G. R.
Apr 9 at 12:58
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grupo[n_] := Show[Graphics[Thin, Red,
Circle[0, 0, 1, 0, Pi/2]], Graphics[Thin,
Map[BSplineCurve[#1[[1]], 0, 0, #1[[2]],
SplineWeights -> 2, EuclideanDistance @@
Partition[ReIm[Exp[Pi/2 I #]] & /@
FareySequence[n], 2, 1]]], Map[Graphics[Blue,
Point[ReIm[Exp[Pi/2 I #]]]] &,
FareySequence[n]], PlotRange -> All]
Show[Table[grupo[n], n, 2, 7]]
the true farey diagram based on the answers given above
– G. R.
Apr 16 at 23:52
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grupo[n_] := Show[Graphics[Thin, Red,
Circle[0, 0, 1, 0, Pi/2]], Graphics[Thin,
Map[BSplineCurve[#1[[1]], 0, 0, #1[[2]],
SplineWeights -> 2, EuclideanDistance @@
Partition[ReIm[Exp[Pi/2 I #]] & /@
FareySequence[n], 2, 1]]], Map[Graphics[Blue,
Point[ReIm[Exp[Pi/2 I #]]]] &,
FareySequence[n]], PlotRange -> All]
Show[Table[grupo[n], n, 2, 7]]
the true farey diagram based on the answers given above
– G. R.
Apr 16 at 23:52
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grupo[n_] := Show[Graphics[Thin, Red,
Circle[0, 0, 1, 0, Pi/2]], Graphics[Thin,
Map[BSplineCurve[#1[[1]], 0, 0, #1[[2]],
SplineWeights -> 2, EuclideanDistance @@
Partition[ReIm[Exp[Pi/2 I #]] & /@
FareySequence[n], 2, 1]]], Map[Graphics[Blue,
Point[ReIm[Exp[Pi/2 I #]]]] &,
FareySequence[n]], PlotRange -> All]
Show[Table[grupo[n], n, 2, 7]]
grupo[n_] := Show[Graphics[Thin, Red,
Circle[0, 0, 1, 0, Pi/2]], Graphics[Thin,
Map[BSplineCurve[#1[[1]], 0, 0, #1[[2]],
SplineWeights -> 2, EuclideanDistance @@
Partition[ReIm[Exp[Pi/2 I #]] & /@
FareySequence[n], 2, 1]]], Map[Graphics[Blue,
Point[ReIm[Exp[Pi/2 I #]]]] &,
FareySequence[n]], PlotRange -> All]
Show[Table[grupo[n], n, 2, 7]]
answered Apr 16 at 23:48
G. R.G. R.
the true farey diagram based on the answers given above
– G. R.
Apr 16 at 23:52
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the true farey diagram based on the answers given above
– G. R.
Apr 16 at 23:52
the true farey diagram based on the answers given above
– G. R.
Apr 16 at 23:52
the true farey diagram based on the answers given above
– G. R.
Apr 16 at 23:52
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From the beautiful book A. Hatcher Topology of numbers
– G. R.
Apr 8 at 21:16
Could you perhaps expand a bit on how the curves are calculated etc?
– MarcoB
Apr 8 at 21:40
– Moo
Apr 8 at 23:17
Technically this is not a Farey series/sequence $F_n$ of order $n$, which is defined to be all fractions (sometimes restricted to the interval between 0 and 1) with denominator at most $n$. For example 3/8 is present but not 1/8. It's a recursive mediant subdivision. It's related in that in any three successive terms of a Farey sequence, the middle one is the mediant of the other two.
– Michael E2
Apr 9 at 17:44
If it wasn't for the very good answers you got, I would have voted to close this question as it gives no details, no definitions no code and shows no personal effort. Please, next time try asking good questions.
– rhermans
Apr 11 at 9:18