
Showing posts from April 25, 2019

How can we add preprocessing steps, in the keras sequential model itself? Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast? Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara 2019 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire 2019 Community Moderator Election ResultsHow to implement handmade features in a Keras Sequential model?Simple prediction with KerasSame input size but cannot fit the model in kerasWhy does my Keras model learn to recognize the background?Can preprocessing the whole population cause data leakage?Value error in Merging two different models in kerasSteps taking too long to completeWhy is the Keras model always predicting the same class / How can I improve the accuracy of this model?How to run tensorflow model twice before computing the lossFeed complex64 data into Keras sequential model

My bank got bought out, am I now going to have to start filing tax returns in a different state? Why didn't the Space Shuttle bounce back into space as many times as possible so as to lose a lot of kinetic energy up there? Can a stored procedure reference the database in which it is stored? Will I lose my paid in full property Putting Ant-Man on house arrest How to not starve gigantic beasts Raising a bilingual kid. When should we introduce the majority language? Check if a string is entirely made of the same substring How exactly does Hawking radiation decrease the mass of black holes? Double-nominative constructions and “von” Is there really no use for MD5 anymore? Was Dennis Ritchie being too modest in this quote about C and Pascal? How much cash can I safely carry into the USA and avoid civil forfeiture? All ASCII characters with a given bit count std::unique_ptr of base class holding reference of derived class does not show warning in gcc com...

Pappila (Laitila) Navigointivalikko

Laitilan kylät LaitilassaYhdystie 2051Otto F. HolmSirppujoki Pappila on kaupunginosa Laitilassa lähellä kaupungin keskustaa. Kylän erottaa Laitilan keskustasta Yhdystie 2051 eli Kaukolantie, niin että kaupunginosa jää tien länsipuolelle. Pappilassa sijaitsee seurakuntatalo, jossa toimii myös kirkkoherranvirasto ja iltapäiväkerho 1.–3.-luokkalaisille. Lisäksi alueella on Pappila-niminen rakennus, joka valmistui vuonna 1901 suunnittelijana arkkitehti Otto F. Holm. Rakennus toimii nykyään seurakunnan juhla- ja kokoontumistilana. Laitilan Puhelin Osuuskunnan rakennus on Mikaelinkadulla, sekä Nesteen huoltoasema Kaukolantien varrella. Alueen merkittävin työnantaja lienee kylän länsiosissa sijaitseva metsäteollisuuteen keskittynyt Kuusiston saha. Kaupunginosan rakennuskanta on enimmäkseen rivi- ja omakotitalovaltaista, mutta Teollisuustiellä on myös kerrostaloja. Pappila...

Access elements in std::string where positon of string is greater than its size Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast? Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Data science time! April 2019 and salary with experience The Ask Question Wizard is Live!What's the best way to trim std::string?How to convert std::string to lower case?How to convert a std::string to const char* or char*?std::wstring VS std::stringDoes std::string find require that pos be less than the string size?Are the days of passing const std::string & as a parameter over?Is a std::string implementation conformant where 's.c_str() + s.size()' is not necessarily the same as '&s[s.size()]'?Why is f(i = -1, i = -1) undefined behavior?In C++11 and beyond does std::string::operator[] do bounds checking?What made i = i++ + 1; legal in C++17?

Philosophical question on logisitic regression: why isn't the optimal threshold value trained? Intern got a job offer for same salary than a long term team member How much cash can I safely carry into the USA and avoid civil forfeiture? Putting Ant-Man on house arrest Which big number is bigger? What is it called when you ride around on your front wheel? Why do games have consumables? Multiple fireplaces in an apartment building? As an international instructor, should I openly talk about my accent? Is it possible to cast 2x Final Payment while sacrificing just one creature? Jaya, Venerated Firemage + Chandra's Pyrohelix = 4 damage among two targets? Is Electric Central Heating worth it if using Solar Panels? Why didn't the Space Shuttle bounce back into space as many times as possible so as to lose a lot of kinetic energy up there? Do I need to watch Ant-Man and the Wasp and Captain Marvel before watching Avengers: Endgame? Older movie/show about...