
Showing posts from March 15, 2019

Combiation of stemming and stop word removal consequences on standard errorsRegular Expressions in WordIncrease F1 score on a text corpusCan I create a word cloud of crowdfunding donors using word cloud?Can we apply community detection algorithms for word vector space?Word embedding vectors for keyphrase extractionBuild a relevancy scoring model of articles using NLPPlots with shaded standard deviationword/sentence alignment for English documentWord embeddings for Information Retrieval - Document search?Product classification in hierarchical categories based on multiple parameters and non-standard descriptions

Is a party consisting of only a bard, a cleric, and a warlock functional long-term? In a future war, an old lady is trying to raise a boy but one of the weapons has made everyone deaf Science-fiction short story where space navy wanted hospital ships and settlers had guns mounted everywhere Why would a flight no longer considered airworthy be redirected like this? Set readonly fields in a constructor local function c# Does Mathematica reuse previous computations? What does さっさ mean? Is it normal that my co-workers at a fitness company criticize my food choices? Why doesn't the EU now just force the UK to choose between referendum and no-deal? Identifying the interval from A♭ to D♯ How to deal with taxi scam when on vacation? Define, (actually define) the "stability" and "energy" of a compound What's the difference between /ɪ/ and /i(ː)/? How to read the value of this capacitor? Co-worker team leader wants to inject his friend'

Lääninlampuri Sisällysluettelo Toiminnan alku | Suomalaiset lääninlampurit | Toiminnan lopettaminen | Lähteet | Navigointivalikko

AmmatitMaatalouden historiaSuomen asutus- ja yhteiskuntahistoria RuotsissamaatalousneuvojialammastaloudenSkaraborgin lääninvaltiopäivilläPohjanmaanTurun ja PorinUudenmaan ja HämeenJohan David Cneiff Pehr Adrian Gaddhattupuolueenmerkantilistisessamyssypuolueenvaltiopäivillä Lääninlampurit olivat Ruotsissa, ja siis myös nykyisen Suomen alueella, vuosina 1739–1766 toimivia maatalousneuvojia, joiden erityistehtävänä oli lammastalouden ja erityisesti hienovillaisten ulkolaisten lammasrotujen kasvatuksen edistäminen raaka-aineen tuottamiseksi villamanufaktuureille. Sisällysluettelo 1 Toiminnan alku 2 Suomalaiset lääninlampurit 3 Toiminnan lopettaminen 4 Lähteet Toiminnan alku | Jonas Alström (myöhemmin aateloituna Alströmer) perusti vuonna 1724 Alingsåsin villamanufaktuurin. Vuonna 1727 hän sai käyttöönsä Alingsåsin läheltä Höjentorpin kuninkaankartanon, johon hän perusti ulkolaisten esikuvien mukaisen lammastarhan. Hän palkkasi kartanoon saksalaisen opettajan opettamaan Skaraborgin

How do anti-virus programs start at Windows boot?Mysterious .tmp files generated in C:WindowsSystem32 folder upon bootingFlash Player Automatic Updater on Windows StartupWindows 7 says Avast is off, but it's not! Am I infected?Prevent applications from automatically startingFake anti-virus?Anti-virus Software downloadsVista Startup - Cannot Find the File SpecifiedMost programs not visible in Programs and Features in windows 7Windows - Automatic log-in, then log off after first log-in onlySystem misbehaving because of a program “Search the Web (Yahoo)”

Why doesn't the EU now just force the UK to choose between referendum and no-deal? Is having access to past exams cheating and, if yes, could it be proven just by a good grade? Property of summation Software described as 香ばしい Make a transparent 448*448 image How to explain that I do not want to visit a country due to personal safety concern? How to simplify this time periods definition interface? Are the common programs (for example: "ls", "cat") in Linux and BSD come from the same source code? At what level can a dragon innately cast its spells? What's causing this power spike in STM32 low power mode PTIJ: Who should I vote for? (21st Knesset Edition) Instead of Universal Basic Income, why not Universal Basic NEEDS? How do anti-virus programs start at Windows boot? Why would a flight no longer considered airworthy be redirected like this? How could a scammer know the apps on my phone / iTunes account? Problems with making formu