How to label and detect the document text images The Next CEO of Stack Overflow2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow to detect blocks of texts in document imagesdocument classification : what is the difference betwen fasttext and DANs ?Image Classification, Convolution Network and Gamma Correction for imageshow can I solve label shape problem in tensorflow when using one-hot encoding?Tensorflow regression predicting 1 for all inputsHow to input & pre-process images for a Deep Convolutional Neural Network?What's the best strategy to train a CNN with images that only have labels for positive characteristics?Categorize text as Body, Heading in a loosely formatted documentHow to classify images Neural Network didn't trained to UnderstandDetect presence of text in imageImages Score Regression only regresses to the average of the target values

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How to label and detect the document text images

The Next CEO of Stack Overflow
2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow to detect blocks of texts in document imagesdocument classification : what is the difference betwen fasttext and DANs ?Image Classification, Convolution Network and Gamma Correction for imageshow can I solve label shape problem in tensorflow when using one-hot encoding?Tensorflow regression predicting 1 for all inputsHow to input & pre-process images for a Deep Convolutional Neural Network?What's the best strategy to train a CNN with images that only have labels for positive characteristics?Categorize text as Body, Heading in a loosely formatted documentHow to classify images Neural Network didn't trained to UnderstandDetect presence of text in imageImages Score Regression only regresses to the average of the target values



This is what I mean as document text image:
enter image description here

I want to label the texts in image as separate blocks and my model should detect these labels as classes.


This is how the end result should be like:enter image description here

The labels like Block 1, Block 2, Block 3,.. should be Logo, Title, Date,.. Others, etc.

Work done:

First approach : I tried to implement this method via Object Detection, it didn't work. It didn't even detect any text.

Second approach : Then I tried it using PixelLink. As this model is build for scene text detection, it detected each and every text in the image. But this method can detect multiple lines of text if the threshold values are increased.
But I have no idea how do I add labels to the text blocks.

PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_all_ones = 'PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_all_ones' 
PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_bbox_balanced = 'PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_bbox_balanced'


def get_neighbours_8(x, y):
Get 8 neighbours of point(x, y)
return [(x - 1, y - 1), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y - 1),
(x - 1, y), (x + 1, y),
(x - 1, y + 1), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y + 1)]

def get_neighbours_4(x, y):
return [(x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)]

def get_neighbours(x, y):
import config
neighbour_type = config.pixel_neighbour_type
if neighbour_type == PIXEL_NEIGHBOUR_TYPE_4:
return get_neighbours_4(x, y)
return get_neighbours_8(x, y)

def get_neighbours_fn():
import config
neighbour_type = config.pixel_neighbour_type
if neighbour_type == PIXEL_NEIGHBOUR_TYPE_4:
return get_neighbours_4, 4
return get_neighbours_8, 8

def is_valid_cord(x, y, w, h):
Tell whether the 2D coordinate (x, y) is valid or not.
If valid, it should be on an h x w image
return x >=0 and x < w and y >= 0 and y < h;

#=====================Ground Truth Calculation Begin==================
def tf_cal_gt_for_single_image(xs, ys, labels):
pixel_cls_label, pixel_cls_weight,
pixel_link_label, pixel_link_weight =
[xs, ys, labels],
[tf.int32, tf.float32, tf.int32, tf.float32]
import config
score_map_shape = config.score_map_shape
num_neighbours = config.num_neighbours
h, w = score_map_shape
pixel_link_label.set_shape([h, w, num_neighbours])
pixel_link_weight.set_shape([h, w, num_neighbours])
return pixel_cls_label, pixel_cls_weight,
pixel_link_label, pixel_link_weight

def cal_gt_for_single_image(normed_xs, normed_ys, labels):
xs, ys: both in shape of (N, 4),
and N is the number of bboxes,
their values are normalized to [0,1]
labels: shape = (N,), only two values are allowed:
-1: ignored
1: text
import config
score_map_shape = config.score_map_shape
pixel_cls_weight_method = config.pixel_cls_weight_method
h, w = score_map_shape
text_label = config.text_label
ignore_label = config.ignore_label
background_label = config.background_label
num_neighbours = config.num_neighbours
bbox_border_width = config.bbox_border_width
pixel_cls_border_weight_lambda = config.pixel_cls_border_weight_lambda

# validate the args
assert np.ndim(normed_xs) == 2
assert np.shape(normed_xs)[-1] == 4
assert np.shape(normed_xs) == np.shape(normed_ys)
assert len(normed_xs) == len(labels)

# assert set(labels).issubset(set([text_label, ignore_label, background_label]))

num_positive_bboxes = np.sum(np.asarray(labels) == text_label)
# rescale normalized xys to absolute values
xs = normed_xs * w
ys = normed_ys * h

# initialize ground truth values
mask = np.zeros(score_map_shape, dtype = np.int32)
pixel_cls_label = np.ones(score_map_shape, dtype = np.int32) * background_label
pixel_cls_weight = np.zeros(score_map_shape, dtype = np.float32)

pixel_link_label = np.zeros((h, w, num_neighbours), dtype = np.int32)
pixel_link_weight = np.ones((h, w, num_neighbours), dtype = np.float32)

# find overlapped pixels, and consider them as ignored in pixel_cls_weight
# and pixels in ignored bboxes are ignored as well
# That is to say, only the weights of not ignored pixels are set to 1

## get the masks of all bboxes
bbox_masks = []
pos_mask = mask.copy()
for bbox_idx, (bbox_xs, bbox_ys) in enumerate(zip(xs, ys)):
if labels[bbox_idx] == background_label:

bbox_mask = mask.copy()

bbox_points = zip(bbox_xs, bbox_ys)
bbox_contours = util.img.points_to_contours(bbox_points)
util.img.draw_contours(bbox_mask, bbox_contours, idx = -1,
color = 1, border_width = -1)


if labels[bbox_idx] == text_label:
pos_mask += bbox_mask

# treat overlapped in-bbox pixels as negative,
# and non-overlapped ones as positive
pos_mask = np.asarray(pos_mask == 1, dtype = np.int32)
num_positive_pixels = np.sum(pos_mask)

## add all bbox_maskes, find non-overlapping pixels
sum_mask = np.sum(bbox_masks, axis = 0)
not_overlapped_mask = sum_mask == 1

## gt and weight calculation
for bbox_idx, bbox_mask in enumerate(bbox_masks):
bbox_label = labels[bbox_idx]
if bbox_label == ignore_label:
# for ignored bboxes, only non-overlapped pixels are encoded as ignored
bbox_ignore_pixel_mask = bbox_mask * not_overlapped_mask
pixel_cls_label += bbox_ignore_pixel_mask * ignore_label

if labels[bbox_idx] == background_label:
# from here on, only text boxes left.

# for positive bboxes, all pixels within it and pos_mask are positive
bbox_positive_pixel_mask = bbox_mask * pos_mask
# background or text is encoded into cls gt
pixel_cls_label += bbox_positive_pixel_mask * bbox_label

# for the pixel cls weights, only positive pixels are set to ones
if pixel_cls_weight_method == PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_all_ones:
pixel_cls_weight += bbox_positive_pixel_mask
elif pixel_cls_weight_method == PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_bbox_balanced:
# let N denote num_positive_pixels
# weight per pixel = N /num_positive_bboxes / n_pixels_in_bbox
# so all pixel weights in this bbox sum to N/num_positive_bboxes
# and all pixels weights in this image sum to N, the same
# as setting all weights to 1
num_bbox_pixels = np.sum(bbox_positive_pixel_mask)
if num_bbox_pixels > 0:
per_bbox_weight = num_positive_pixels * 1.0 / num_positive_bboxes
per_pixel_weight = per_bbox_weight / num_bbox_pixels
pixel_cls_weight += bbox_positive_pixel_mask * per_pixel_weight
raise ValueError, 'pixel_cls_weight_method not supported:%s'

## calculate the labels and weights of links
### for all pixels in bboxes, all links are positive at first
bbox_point_cords = np.where(bbox_positive_pixel_mask)
pixel_link_label[bbox_point_cords] = 1

## the border of bboxes might be distored because of overlapping
## so recalculate it, and find the border mask
new_bbox_contours = util.img.find_contours(bbox_positive_pixel_mask)
bbox_border_mask = mask.copy()
util.img.draw_contours(bbox_border_mask, new_bbox_contours, -1,
color = 1, border_width = bbox_border_width * 2 + 1)
bbox_border_mask *= bbox_positive_pixel_mask
bbox_border_cords = np.where(bbox_border_mask)

## give more weight to the border pixels if configured
pixel_cls_weight[bbox_border_cords] *= pixel_cls_border_weight_lambda

### change link labels according to their neighbour status
border_points = zip(*bbox_border_cords)
def in_bbox(nx, ny):
return bbox_positive_pixel_mask[ny, nx]

for y, x in border_points:
neighbours = get_neighbours(x, y)
for n_idx, (nx, ny) in enumerate(neighbours):
if not is_valid_cord(nx, ny, w, h) or not in_bbox(nx, ny):
pixel_link_label[y, x, n_idx] = 0

pixel_cls_weight = np.asarray(pixel_cls_weight, dtype = np.float32)
pixel_link_weight *= np.expand_dims(pixel_cls_weight, axis = -1)

# try:
# np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(pixel_cls_weight), num_positive_pixels, decimal = 1)
# except:
# print num_positive_pixels, np.sum(pixel_cls_label), np.sum(pixel_cls_weight)
# import pdb
# pdb.set_trace()
return pixel_cls_label, pixel_cls_weight, pixel_link_label, pixel_link_weight

#=====================Ground Truth Calculation End====================

#============================Decode Begin=============================

def tf_decode_score_map_to_mask_in_batch(pixel_cls_scores, pixel_link_scores):
masks = tf.py_func(decode_batch,
[pixel_cls_scores, pixel_link_scores], tf.int32)
b, h, w = pixel_cls_scores.shape.as_list()
masks.set_shape([b, h, w])
return masks

def decode_batch(pixel_cls_scores, pixel_link_scores,
pixel_conf_threshold = None, link_conf_threshold = None):
import config

if pixel_conf_threshold is None:
pixel_conf_threshold = config.pixel_conf_threshold

if link_conf_threshold is None:
link_conf_threshold = config.link_conf_threshold

batch_size = pixel_cls_scores.shape[0]
batch_mask = []
for image_idx in xrange(batch_size):
image_pos_pixel_scores = pixel_cls_scores[image_idx, :, :]
image_pos_link_scores = pixel_link_scores[image_idx, :, :, :]
mask = decode_image(
image_pos_pixel_scores, image_pos_link_scores,
pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold
return np.asarray(batch_mask, np.int32)

# @util.dec.print_calling_in_short
# @util.dec.timeit
def decode_image(pixel_scores, link_scores,
pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold):
import config
if config.decode_method == DECODE_METHOD_join:
mask = decode_image_by_join(pixel_scores, link_scores,
pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold)
return mask
elif config.decode_method == DECODE_METHOD_border_split:
return decode_image_by_border(pixel_scores, link_scores,
pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold)
raise ValueError('Unknow decode method:%s'%(config.decode_method))

import pyximport; pyximport.install()
from pixel_link_decode import decode_image_by_join

def min_area_rect(cnt):
xs: numpy ndarray with shape=(N,4). N is the number of oriented bboxes. 4 contains [x1, x2, x3, x4]
ys: numpy ndarray with shape=(N,4), [y1, y2, y3, y4]
Note that [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)] can represent an oriented bbox.
the oriented rects sorrounding the box, in the format:[cx, cy, w, h, theta].
rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt)
cx, cy = rect[0]
w, h = rect[1]
theta = rect[2]
box = [cx, cy, w, h, theta]
return box, w * h

def rect_to_xys(rect, image_shape):
"""Convert rect to xys, i.e., eight points
The `image_shape` is used to to make sure all points return are valid, i.e., within image area
h, w = image_shape[0:2]
def get_valid_x(x):
if x < 0:
return 0
if x >= w:
return w - 1
return x

def get_valid_y(y):
if y < 0:
return 0
if y >= h:
return h - 1
return y

rect = ((rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[2], rect[3]), rect[4])
points =
points = np.int0(points)
for i_xy, (x, y) in enumerate(points):
x = get_valid_x(x)
y = get_valid_y(y)
points[i_xy, :] = [x, y]
points = np.reshape(points, -1)
return points

# @util.dec.print_calling_in_short
# @util.dec.timeit
def mask_to_bboxes(mask, image_shape = None, min_area = None,
min_height = None, min_aspect_ratio = None):
import config
feed_shape = config.train_image_shape

if image_shape is None:
image_shape = feed_shape

image_h, image_w = image_shape[0:2]

if min_area is None:
min_area = config.min_area

if min_height is None:
min_height = config.min_height
bboxes = []
max_bbox_idx = mask.max()
mask = util.img.resize(img = mask, size = (image_w, image_h),
interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST)

for bbox_idx in xrange(1, max_bbox_idx + 1):
bbox_mask = mask == bbox_idx
# if bbox_mask.sum() < 10:
# continue
cnts = util.img.find_contours(bbox_mask)
if len(cnts) == 0:
cnt = cnts[0]
rect, rect_area = min_area_rect(cnt)

w, h = rect[2:-1]
if min(w, h) < min_height:

if rect_area < min_area:

# if max(w, h) * 1.0 / min(w, h) < 2:
# continue
xys = rect_to_xys(rect, image_shape)

return bboxes

Any suggestions?

Is there any approach that is more suitable for the problem I'm trying to solve?

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    This is what I mean as document text image:
    enter image description here

    I want to label the texts in image as separate blocks and my model should detect these labels as classes.


    This is how the end result should be like:enter image description here

    The labels like Block 1, Block 2, Block 3,.. should be Logo, Title, Date,.. Others, etc.

    Work done:

    First approach : I tried to implement this method via Object Detection, it didn't work. It didn't even detect any text.

    Second approach : Then I tried it using PixelLink. As this model is build for scene text detection, it detected each and every text in the image. But this method can detect multiple lines of text if the threshold values are increased.
    But I have no idea how do I add labels to the text blocks.

    PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_all_ones = 'PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_all_ones' 
    PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_bbox_balanced = 'PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_bbox_balanced'


    def get_neighbours_8(x, y):
    Get 8 neighbours of point(x, y)
    return [(x - 1, y - 1), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y - 1),
    (x - 1, y), (x + 1, y),
    (x - 1, y + 1), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y + 1)]

    def get_neighbours_4(x, y):
    return [(x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)]

    def get_neighbours(x, y):
    import config
    neighbour_type = config.pixel_neighbour_type
    if neighbour_type == PIXEL_NEIGHBOUR_TYPE_4:
    return get_neighbours_4(x, y)
    return get_neighbours_8(x, y)

    def get_neighbours_fn():
    import config
    neighbour_type = config.pixel_neighbour_type
    if neighbour_type == PIXEL_NEIGHBOUR_TYPE_4:
    return get_neighbours_4, 4
    return get_neighbours_8, 8

    def is_valid_cord(x, y, w, h):
    Tell whether the 2D coordinate (x, y) is valid or not.
    If valid, it should be on an h x w image
    return x >=0 and x < w and y >= 0 and y < h;

    #=====================Ground Truth Calculation Begin==================
    def tf_cal_gt_for_single_image(xs, ys, labels):
    pixel_cls_label, pixel_cls_weight,
    pixel_link_label, pixel_link_weight =
    [xs, ys, labels],
    [tf.int32, tf.float32, tf.int32, tf.float32]
    import config
    score_map_shape = config.score_map_shape
    num_neighbours = config.num_neighbours
    h, w = score_map_shape
    pixel_link_label.set_shape([h, w, num_neighbours])
    pixel_link_weight.set_shape([h, w, num_neighbours])
    return pixel_cls_label, pixel_cls_weight,
    pixel_link_label, pixel_link_weight

    def cal_gt_for_single_image(normed_xs, normed_ys, labels):
    xs, ys: both in shape of (N, 4),
    and N is the number of bboxes,
    their values are normalized to [0,1]
    labels: shape = (N,), only two values are allowed:
    -1: ignored
    1: text
    import config
    score_map_shape = config.score_map_shape
    pixel_cls_weight_method = config.pixel_cls_weight_method
    h, w = score_map_shape
    text_label = config.text_label
    ignore_label = config.ignore_label
    background_label = config.background_label
    num_neighbours = config.num_neighbours
    bbox_border_width = config.bbox_border_width
    pixel_cls_border_weight_lambda = config.pixel_cls_border_weight_lambda

    # validate the args
    assert np.ndim(normed_xs) == 2
    assert np.shape(normed_xs)[-1] == 4
    assert np.shape(normed_xs) == np.shape(normed_ys)
    assert len(normed_xs) == len(labels)

    # assert set(labels).issubset(set([text_label, ignore_label, background_label]))

    num_positive_bboxes = np.sum(np.asarray(labels) == text_label)
    # rescale normalized xys to absolute values
    xs = normed_xs * w
    ys = normed_ys * h

    # initialize ground truth values
    mask = np.zeros(score_map_shape, dtype = np.int32)
    pixel_cls_label = np.ones(score_map_shape, dtype = np.int32) * background_label
    pixel_cls_weight = np.zeros(score_map_shape, dtype = np.float32)

    pixel_link_label = np.zeros((h, w, num_neighbours), dtype = np.int32)
    pixel_link_weight = np.ones((h, w, num_neighbours), dtype = np.float32)

    # find overlapped pixels, and consider them as ignored in pixel_cls_weight
    # and pixels in ignored bboxes are ignored as well
    # That is to say, only the weights of not ignored pixels are set to 1

    ## get the masks of all bboxes
    bbox_masks = []
    pos_mask = mask.copy()
    for bbox_idx, (bbox_xs, bbox_ys) in enumerate(zip(xs, ys)):
    if labels[bbox_idx] == background_label:

    bbox_mask = mask.copy()

    bbox_points = zip(bbox_xs, bbox_ys)
    bbox_contours = util.img.points_to_contours(bbox_points)
    util.img.draw_contours(bbox_mask, bbox_contours, idx = -1,
    color = 1, border_width = -1)


    if labels[bbox_idx] == text_label:
    pos_mask += bbox_mask

    # treat overlapped in-bbox pixels as negative,
    # and non-overlapped ones as positive
    pos_mask = np.asarray(pos_mask == 1, dtype = np.int32)
    num_positive_pixels = np.sum(pos_mask)

    ## add all bbox_maskes, find non-overlapping pixels
    sum_mask = np.sum(bbox_masks, axis = 0)
    not_overlapped_mask = sum_mask == 1

    ## gt and weight calculation
    for bbox_idx, bbox_mask in enumerate(bbox_masks):
    bbox_label = labels[bbox_idx]
    if bbox_label == ignore_label:
    # for ignored bboxes, only non-overlapped pixels are encoded as ignored
    bbox_ignore_pixel_mask = bbox_mask * not_overlapped_mask
    pixel_cls_label += bbox_ignore_pixel_mask * ignore_label

    if labels[bbox_idx] == background_label:
    # from here on, only text boxes left.

    # for positive bboxes, all pixels within it and pos_mask are positive
    bbox_positive_pixel_mask = bbox_mask * pos_mask
    # background or text is encoded into cls gt
    pixel_cls_label += bbox_positive_pixel_mask * bbox_label

    # for the pixel cls weights, only positive pixels are set to ones
    if pixel_cls_weight_method == PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_all_ones:
    pixel_cls_weight += bbox_positive_pixel_mask
    elif pixel_cls_weight_method == PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_bbox_balanced:
    # let N denote num_positive_pixels
    # weight per pixel = N /num_positive_bboxes / n_pixels_in_bbox
    # so all pixel weights in this bbox sum to N/num_positive_bboxes
    # and all pixels weights in this image sum to N, the same
    # as setting all weights to 1
    num_bbox_pixels = np.sum(bbox_positive_pixel_mask)
    if num_bbox_pixels > 0:
    per_bbox_weight = num_positive_pixels * 1.0 / num_positive_bboxes
    per_pixel_weight = per_bbox_weight / num_bbox_pixels
    pixel_cls_weight += bbox_positive_pixel_mask * per_pixel_weight
    raise ValueError, 'pixel_cls_weight_method not supported:%s'

    ## calculate the labels and weights of links
    ### for all pixels in bboxes, all links are positive at first
    bbox_point_cords = np.where(bbox_positive_pixel_mask)
    pixel_link_label[bbox_point_cords] = 1

    ## the border of bboxes might be distored because of overlapping
    ## so recalculate it, and find the border mask
    new_bbox_contours = util.img.find_contours(bbox_positive_pixel_mask)
    bbox_border_mask = mask.copy()
    util.img.draw_contours(bbox_border_mask, new_bbox_contours, -1,
    color = 1, border_width = bbox_border_width * 2 + 1)
    bbox_border_mask *= bbox_positive_pixel_mask
    bbox_border_cords = np.where(bbox_border_mask)

    ## give more weight to the border pixels if configured
    pixel_cls_weight[bbox_border_cords] *= pixel_cls_border_weight_lambda

    ### change link labels according to their neighbour status
    border_points = zip(*bbox_border_cords)
    def in_bbox(nx, ny):
    return bbox_positive_pixel_mask[ny, nx]

    for y, x in border_points:
    neighbours = get_neighbours(x, y)
    for n_idx, (nx, ny) in enumerate(neighbours):
    if not is_valid_cord(nx, ny, w, h) or not in_bbox(nx, ny):
    pixel_link_label[y, x, n_idx] = 0

    pixel_cls_weight = np.asarray(pixel_cls_weight, dtype = np.float32)
    pixel_link_weight *= np.expand_dims(pixel_cls_weight, axis = -1)

    # try:
    # np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(pixel_cls_weight), num_positive_pixels, decimal = 1)
    # except:
    # print num_positive_pixels, np.sum(pixel_cls_label), np.sum(pixel_cls_weight)
    # import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()
    return pixel_cls_label, pixel_cls_weight, pixel_link_label, pixel_link_weight

    #=====================Ground Truth Calculation End====================

    #============================Decode Begin=============================

    def tf_decode_score_map_to_mask_in_batch(pixel_cls_scores, pixel_link_scores):
    masks = tf.py_func(decode_batch,
    [pixel_cls_scores, pixel_link_scores], tf.int32)
    b, h, w = pixel_cls_scores.shape.as_list()
    masks.set_shape([b, h, w])
    return masks

    def decode_batch(pixel_cls_scores, pixel_link_scores,
    pixel_conf_threshold = None, link_conf_threshold = None):
    import config

    if pixel_conf_threshold is None:
    pixel_conf_threshold = config.pixel_conf_threshold

    if link_conf_threshold is None:
    link_conf_threshold = config.link_conf_threshold

    batch_size = pixel_cls_scores.shape[0]
    batch_mask = []
    for image_idx in xrange(batch_size):
    image_pos_pixel_scores = pixel_cls_scores[image_idx, :, :]
    image_pos_link_scores = pixel_link_scores[image_idx, :, :, :]
    mask = decode_image(
    image_pos_pixel_scores, image_pos_link_scores,
    pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold
    return np.asarray(batch_mask, np.int32)

    # @util.dec.print_calling_in_short
    # @util.dec.timeit
    def decode_image(pixel_scores, link_scores,
    pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold):
    import config
    if config.decode_method == DECODE_METHOD_join:
    mask = decode_image_by_join(pixel_scores, link_scores,
    pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold)
    return mask
    elif config.decode_method == DECODE_METHOD_border_split:
    return decode_image_by_border(pixel_scores, link_scores,
    pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold)
    raise ValueError('Unknow decode method:%s'%(config.decode_method))

    import pyximport; pyximport.install()
    from pixel_link_decode import decode_image_by_join

    def min_area_rect(cnt):
    xs: numpy ndarray with shape=(N,4). N is the number of oriented bboxes. 4 contains [x1, x2, x3, x4]
    ys: numpy ndarray with shape=(N,4), [y1, y2, y3, y4]
    Note that [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)] can represent an oriented bbox.
    the oriented rects sorrounding the box, in the format:[cx, cy, w, h, theta].
    rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt)
    cx, cy = rect[0]
    w, h = rect[1]
    theta = rect[2]
    box = [cx, cy, w, h, theta]
    return box, w * h

    def rect_to_xys(rect, image_shape):
    """Convert rect to xys, i.e., eight points
    The `image_shape` is used to to make sure all points return are valid, i.e., within image area
    h, w = image_shape[0:2]
    def get_valid_x(x):
    if x < 0:
    return 0
    if x >= w:
    return w - 1
    return x

    def get_valid_y(y):
    if y < 0:
    return 0
    if y >= h:
    return h - 1
    return y

    rect = ((rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[2], rect[3]), rect[4])
    points =
    points = np.int0(points)
    for i_xy, (x, y) in enumerate(points):
    x = get_valid_x(x)
    y = get_valid_y(y)
    points[i_xy, :] = [x, y]
    points = np.reshape(points, -1)
    return points

    # @util.dec.print_calling_in_short
    # @util.dec.timeit
    def mask_to_bboxes(mask, image_shape = None, min_area = None,
    min_height = None, min_aspect_ratio = None):
    import config
    feed_shape = config.train_image_shape

    if image_shape is None:
    image_shape = feed_shape

    image_h, image_w = image_shape[0:2]

    if min_area is None:
    min_area = config.min_area

    if min_height is None:
    min_height = config.min_height
    bboxes = []
    max_bbox_idx = mask.max()
    mask = util.img.resize(img = mask, size = (image_w, image_h),
    interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST)

    for bbox_idx in xrange(1, max_bbox_idx + 1):
    bbox_mask = mask == bbox_idx
    # if bbox_mask.sum() < 10:
    # continue
    cnts = util.img.find_contours(bbox_mask)
    if len(cnts) == 0:
    cnt = cnts[0]
    rect, rect_area = min_area_rect(cnt)

    w, h = rect[2:-1]
    if min(w, h) < min_height:

    if rect_area < min_area:

    # if max(w, h) * 1.0 / min(w, h) < 2:
    # continue
    xys = rect_to_xys(rect, image_shape)

    return bboxes

    Any suggestions?

    Is there any approach that is more suitable for the problem I'm trying to solve?

    share|improve this question






      This is what I mean as document text image:
      enter image description here

      I want to label the texts in image as separate blocks and my model should detect these labels as classes.


      This is how the end result should be like:enter image description here

      The labels like Block 1, Block 2, Block 3,.. should be Logo, Title, Date,.. Others, etc.

      Work done:

      First approach : I tried to implement this method via Object Detection, it didn't work. It didn't even detect any text.

      Second approach : Then I tried it using PixelLink. As this model is build for scene text detection, it detected each and every text in the image. But this method can detect multiple lines of text if the threshold values are increased.
      But I have no idea how do I add labels to the text blocks.

      PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_all_ones = 'PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_all_ones' 
      PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_bbox_balanced = 'PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_bbox_balanced'


      def get_neighbours_8(x, y):
      Get 8 neighbours of point(x, y)
      return [(x - 1, y - 1), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y - 1),
      (x - 1, y), (x + 1, y),
      (x - 1, y + 1), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y + 1)]

      def get_neighbours_4(x, y):
      return [(x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)]

      def get_neighbours(x, y):
      import config
      neighbour_type = config.pixel_neighbour_type
      if neighbour_type == PIXEL_NEIGHBOUR_TYPE_4:
      return get_neighbours_4(x, y)
      return get_neighbours_8(x, y)

      def get_neighbours_fn():
      import config
      neighbour_type = config.pixel_neighbour_type
      if neighbour_type == PIXEL_NEIGHBOUR_TYPE_4:
      return get_neighbours_4, 4
      return get_neighbours_8, 8

      def is_valid_cord(x, y, w, h):
      Tell whether the 2D coordinate (x, y) is valid or not.
      If valid, it should be on an h x w image
      return x >=0 and x < w and y >= 0 and y < h;

      #=====================Ground Truth Calculation Begin==================
      def tf_cal_gt_for_single_image(xs, ys, labels):
      pixel_cls_label, pixel_cls_weight,
      pixel_link_label, pixel_link_weight =
      [xs, ys, labels],
      [tf.int32, tf.float32, tf.int32, tf.float32]
      import config
      score_map_shape = config.score_map_shape
      num_neighbours = config.num_neighbours
      h, w = score_map_shape
      pixel_link_label.set_shape([h, w, num_neighbours])
      pixel_link_weight.set_shape([h, w, num_neighbours])
      return pixel_cls_label, pixel_cls_weight,
      pixel_link_label, pixel_link_weight

      def cal_gt_for_single_image(normed_xs, normed_ys, labels):
      xs, ys: both in shape of (N, 4),
      and N is the number of bboxes,
      their values are normalized to [0,1]
      labels: shape = (N,), only two values are allowed:
      -1: ignored
      1: text
      import config
      score_map_shape = config.score_map_shape
      pixel_cls_weight_method = config.pixel_cls_weight_method
      h, w = score_map_shape
      text_label = config.text_label
      ignore_label = config.ignore_label
      background_label = config.background_label
      num_neighbours = config.num_neighbours
      bbox_border_width = config.bbox_border_width
      pixel_cls_border_weight_lambda = config.pixel_cls_border_weight_lambda

      # validate the args
      assert np.ndim(normed_xs) == 2
      assert np.shape(normed_xs)[-1] == 4
      assert np.shape(normed_xs) == np.shape(normed_ys)
      assert len(normed_xs) == len(labels)

      # assert set(labels).issubset(set([text_label, ignore_label, background_label]))

      num_positive_bboxes = np.sum(np.asarray(labels) == text_label)
      # rescale normalized xys to absolute values
      xs = normed_xs * w
      ys = normed_ys * h

      # initialize ground truth values
      mask = np.zeros(score_map_shape, dtype = np.int32)
      pixel_cls_label = np.ones(score_map_shape, dtype = np.int32) * background_label
      pixel_cls_weight = np.zeros(score_map_shape, dtype = np.float32)

      pixel_link_label = np.zeros((h, w, num_neighbours), dtype = np.int32)
      pixel_link_weight = np.ones((h, w, num_neighbours), dtype = np.float32)

      # find overlapped pixels, and consider them as ignored in pixel_cls_weight
      # and pixels in ignored bboxes are ignored as well
      # That is to say, only the weights of not ignored pixels are set to 1

      ## get the masks of all bboxes
      bbox_masks = []
      pos_mask = mask.copy()
      for bbox_idx, (bbox_xs, bbox_ys) in enumerate(zip(xs, ys)):
      if labels[bbox_idx] == background_label:

      bbox_mask = mask.copy()

      bbox_points = zip(bbox_xs, bbox_ys)
      bbox_contours = util.img.points_to_contours(bbox_points)
      util.img.draw_contours(bbox_mask, bbox_contours, idx = -1,
      color = 1, border_width = -1)


      if labels[bbox_idx] == text_label:
      pos_mask += bbox_mask

      # treat overlapped in-bbox pixels as negative,
      # and non-overlapped ones as positive
      pos_mask = np.asarray(pos_mask == 1, dtype = np.int32)
      num_positive_pixels = np.sum(pos_mask)

      ## add all bbox_maskes, find non-overlapping pixels
      sum_mask = np.sum(bbox_masks, axis = 0)
      not_overlapped_mask = sum_mask == 1

      ## gt and weight calculation
      for bbox_idx, bbox_mask in enumerate(bbox_masks):
      bbox_label = labels[bbox_idx]
      if bbox_label == ignore_label:
      # for ignored bboxes, only non-overlapped pixels are encoded as ignored
      bbox_ignore_pixel_mask = bbox_mask * not_overlapped_mask
      pixel_cls_label += bbox_ignore_pixel_mask * ignore_label

      if labels[bbox_idx] == background_label:
      # from here on, only text boxes left.

      # for positive bboxes, all pixels within it and pos_mask are positive
      bbox_positive_pixel_mask = bbox_mask * pos_mask
      # background or text is encoded into cls gt
      pixel_cls_label += bbox_positive_pixel_mask * bbox_label

      # for the pixel cls weights, only positive pixels are set to ones
      if pixel_cls_weight_method == PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_all_ones:
      pixel_cls_weight += bbox_positive_pixel_mask
      elif pixel_cls_weight_method == PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_bbox_balanced:
      # let N denote num_positive_pixels
      # weight per pixel = N /num_positive_bboxes / n_pixels_in_bbox
      # so all pixel weights in this bbox sum to N/num_positive_bboxes
      # and all pixels weights in this image sum to N, the same
      # as setting all weights to 1
      num_bbox_pixels = np.sum(bbox_positive_pixel_mask)
      if num_bbox_pixels > 0:
      per_bbox_weight = num_positive_pixels * 1.0 / num_positive_bboxes
      per_pixel_weight = per_bbox_weight / num_bbox_pixels
      pixel_cls_weight += bbox_positive_pixel_mask * per_pixel_weight
      raise ValueError, 'pixel_cls_weight_method not supported:%s'

      ## calculate the labels and weights of links
      ### for all pixels in bboxes, all links are positive at first
      bbox_point_cords = np.where(bbox_positive_pixel_mask)
      pixel_link_label[bbox_point_cords] = 1

      ## the border of bboxes might be distored because of overlapping
      ## so recalculate it, and find the border mask
      new_bbox_contours = util.img.find_contours(bbox_positive_pixel_mask)
      bbox_border_mask = mask.copy()
      util.img.draw_contours(bbox_border_mask, new_bbox_contours, -1,
      color = 1, border_width = bbox_border_width * 2 + 1)
      bbox_border_mask *= bbox_positive_pixel_mask
      bbox_border_cords = np.where(bbox_border_mask)

      ## give more weight to the border pixels if configured
      pixel_cls_weight[bbox_border_cords] *= pixel_cls_border_weight_lambda

      ### change link labels according to their neighbour status
      border_points = zip(*bbox_border_cords)
      def in_bbox(nx, ny):
      return bbox_positive_pixel_mask[ny, nx]

      for y, x in border_points:
      neighbours = get_neighbours(x, y)
      for n_idx, (nx, ny) in enumerate(neighbours):
      if not is_valid_cord(nx, ny, w, h) or not in_bbox(nx, ny):
      pixel_link_label[y, x, n_idx] = 0

      pixel_cls_weight = np.asarray(pixel_cls_weight, dtype = np.float32)
      pixel_link_weight *= np.expand_dims(pixel_cls_weight, axis = -1)

      # try:
      # np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(pixel_cls_weight), num_positive_pixels, decimal = 1)
      # except:
      # print num_positive_pixels, np.sum(pixel_cls_label), np.sum(pixel_cls_weight)
      # import pdb
      # pdb.set_trace()
      return pixel_cls_label, pixel_cls_weight, pixel_link_label, pixel_link_weight

      #=====================Ground Truth Calculation End====================

      #============================Decode Begin=============================

      def tf_decode_score_map_to_mask_in_batch(pixel_cls_scores, pixel_link_scores):
      masks = tf.py_func(decode_batch,
      [pixel_cls_scores, pixel_link_scores], tf.int32)
      b, h, w = pixel_cls_scores.shape.as_list()
      masks.set_shape([b, h, w])
      return masks

      def decode_batch(pixel_cls_scores, pixel_link_scores,
      pixel_conf_threshold = None, link_conf_threshold = None):
      import config

      if pixel_conf_threshold is None:
      pixel_conf_threshold = config.pixel_conf_threshold

      if link_conf_threshold is None:
      link_conf_threshold = config.link_conf_threshold

      batch_size = pixel_cls_scores.shape[0]
      batch_mask = []
      for image_idx in xrange(batch_size):
      image_pos_pixel_scores = pixel_cls_scores[image_idx, :, :]
      image_pos_link_scores = pixel_link_scores[image_idx, :, :, :]
      mask = decode_image(
      image_pos_pixel_scores, image_pos_link_scores,
      pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold
      return np.asarray(batch_mask, np.int32)

      # @util.dec.print_calling_in_short
      # @util.dec.timeit
      def decode_image(pixel_scores, link_scores,
      pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold):
      import config
      if config.decode_method == DECODE_METHOD_join:
      mask = decode_image_by_join(pixel_scores, link_scores,
      pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold)
      return mask
      elif config.decode_method == DECODE_METHOD_border_split:
      return decode_image_by_border(pixel_scores, link_scores,
      pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold)
      raise ValueError('Unknow decode method:%s'%(config.decode_method))

      import pyximport; pyximport.install()
      from pixel_link_decode import decode_image_by_join

      def min_area_rect(cnt):
      xs: numpy ndarray with shape=(N,4). N is the number of oriented bboxes. 4 contains [x1, x2, x3, x4]
      ys: numpy ndarray with shape=(N,4), [y1, y2, y3, y4]
      Note that [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)] can represent an oriented bbox.
      the oriented rects sorrounding the box, in the format:[cx, cy, w, h, theta].
      rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt)
      cx, cy = rect[0]
      w, h = rect[1]
      theta = rect[2]
      box = [cx, cy, w, h, theta]
      return box, w * h

      def rect_to_xys(rect, image_shape):
      """Convert rect to xys, i.e., eight points
      The `image_shape` is used to to make sure all points return are valid, i.e., within image area
      h, w = image_shape[0:2]
      def get_valid_x(x):
      if x < 0:
      return 0
      if x >= w:
      return w - 1
      return x

      def get_valid_y(y):
      if y < 0:
      return 0
      if y >= h:
      return h - 1
      return y

      rect = ((rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[2], rect[3]), rect[4])
      points =
      points = np.int0(points)
      for i_xy, (x, y) in enumerate(points):
      x = get_valid_x(x)
      y = get_valid_y(y)
      points[i_xy, :] = [x, y]
      points = np.reshape(points, -1)
      return points

      # @util.dec.print_calling_in_short
      # @util.dec.timeit
      def mask_to_bboxes(mask, image_shape = None, min_area = None,
      min_height = None, min_aspect_ratio = None):
      import config
      feed_shape = config.train_image_shape

      if image_shape is None:
      image_shape = feed_shape

      image_h, image_w = image_shape[0:2]

      if min_area is None:
      min_area = config.min_area

      if min_height is None:
      min_height = config.min_height
      bboxes = []
      max_bbox_idx = mask.max()
      mask = util.img.resize(img = mask, size = (image_w, image_h),
      interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST)

      for bbox_idx in xrange(1, max_bbox_idx + 1):
      bbox_mask = mask == bbox_idx
      # if bbox_mask.sum() < 10:
      # continue
      cnts = util.img.find_contours(bbox_mask)
      if len(cnts) == 0:
      cnt = cnts[0]
      rect, rect_area = min_area_rect(cnt)

      w, h = rect[2:-1]
      if min(w, h) < min_height:

      if rect_area < min_area:

      # if max(w, h) * 1.0 / min(w, h) < 2:
      # continue
      xys = rect_to_xys(rect, image_shape)

      return bboxes

      Any suggestions?

      Is there any approach that is more suitable for the problem I'm trying to solve?

      share|improve this question


      This is what I mean as document text image:
      enter image description here

      I want to label the texts in image as separate blocks and my model should detect these labels as classes.


      This is how the end result should be like:enter image description here

      The labels like Block 1, Block 2, Block 3,.. should be Logo, Title, Date,.. Others, etc.

      Work done:

      First approach : I tried to implement this method via Object Detection, it didn't work. It didn't even detect any text.

      Second approach : Then I tried it using PixelLink. As this model is build for scene text detection, it detected each and every text in the image. But this method can detect multiple lines of text if the threshold values are increased.
      But I have no idea how do I add labels to the text blocks.

      PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_all_ones = 'PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_all_ones' 
      PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_bbox_balanced = 'PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_bbox_balanced'


      def get_neighbours_8(x, y):
      Get 8 neighbours of point(x, y)
      return [(x - 1, y - 1), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y - 1),
      (x - 1, y), (x + 1, y),
      (x - 1, y + 1), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y + 1)]

      def get_neighbours_4(x, y):
      return [(x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)]

      def get_neighbours(x, y):
      import config
      neighbour_type = config.pixel_neighbour_type
      if neighbour_type == PIXEL_NEIGHBOUR_TYPE_4:
      return get_neighbours_4(x, y)
      return get_neighbours_8(x, y)

      def get_neighbours_fn():
      import config
      neighbour_type = config.pixel_neighbour_type
      if neighbour_type == PIXEL_NEIGHBOUR_TYPE_4:
      return get_neighbours_4, 4
      return get_neighbours_8, 8

      def is_valid_cord(x, y, w, h):
      Tell whether the 2D coordinate (x, y) is valid or not.
      If valid, it should be on an h x w image
      return x >=0 and x < w and y >= 0 and y < h;

      #=====================Ground Truth Calculation Begin==================
      def tf_cal_gt_for_single_image(xs, ys, labels):
      pixel_cls_label, pixel_cls_weight,
      pixel_link_label, pixel_link_weight =
      [xs, ys, labels],
      [tf.int32, tf.float32, tf.int32, tf.float32]
      import config
      score_map_shape = config.score_map_shape
      num_neighbours = config.num_neighbours
      h, w = score_map_shape
      pixel_link_label.set_shape([h, w, num_neighbours])
      pixel_link_weight.set_shape([h, w, num_neighbours])
      return pixel_cls_label, pixel_cls_weight,
      pixel_link_label, pixel_link_weight

      def cal_gt_for_single_image(normed_xs, normed_ys, labels):
      xs, ys: both in shape of (N, 4),
      and N is the number of bboxes,
      their values are normalized to [0,1]
      labels: shape = (N,), only two values are allowed:
      -1: ignored
      1: text
      import config
      score_map_shape = config.score_map_shape
      pixel_cls_weight_method = config.pixel_cls_weight_method
      h, w = score_map_shape
      text_label = config.text_label
      ignore_label = config.ignore_label
      background_label = config.background_label
      num_neighbours = config.num_neighbours
      bbox_border_width = config.bbox_border_width
      pixel_cls_border_weight_lambda = config.pixel_cls_border_weight_lambda

      # validate the args
      assert np.ndim(normed_xs) == 2
      assert np.shape(normed_xs)[-1] == 4
      assert np.shape(normed_xs) == np.shape(normed_ys)
      assert len(normed_xs) == len(labels)

      # assert set(labels).issubset(set([text_label, ignore_label, background_label]))

      num_positive_bboxes = np.sum(np.asarray(labels) == text_label)
      # rescale normalized xys to absolute values
      xs = normed_xs * w
      ys = normed_ys * h

      # initialize ground truth values
      mask = np.zeros(score_map_shape, dtype = np.int32)
      pixel_cls_label = np.ones(score_map_shape, dtype = np.int32) * background_label
      pixel_cls_weight = np.zeros(score_map_shape, dtype = np.float32)

      pixel_link_label = np.zeros((h, w, num_neighbours), dtype = np.int32)
      pixel_link_weight = np.ones((h, w, num_neighbours), dtype = np.float32)

      # find overlapped pixels, and consider them as ignored in pixel_cls_weight
      # and pixels in ignored bboxes are ignored as well
      # That is to say, only the weights of not ignored pixels are set to 1

      ## get the masks of all bboxes
      bbox_masks = []
      pos_mask = mask.copy()
      for bbox_idx, (bbox_xs, bbox_ys) in enumerate(zip(xs, ys)):
      if labels[bbox_idx] == background_label:

      bbox_mask = mask.copy()

      bbox_points = zip(bbox_xs, bbox_ys)
      bbox_contours = util.img.points_to_contours(bbox_points)
      util.img.draw_contours(bbox_mask, bbox_contours, idx = -1,
      color = 1, border_width = -1)


      if labels[bbox_idx] == text_label:
      pos_mask += bbox_mask

      # treat overlapped in-bbox pixels as negative,
      # and non-overlapped ones as positive
      pos_mask = np.asarray(pos_mask == 1, dtype = np.int32)
      num_positive_pixels = np.sum(pos_mask)

      ## add all bbox_maskes, find non-overlapping pixels
      sum_mask = np.sum(bbox_masks, axis = 0)
      not_overlapped_mask = sum_mask == 1

      ## gt and weight calculation
      for bbox_idx, bbox_mask in enumerate(bbox_masks):
      bbox_label = labels[bbox_idx]
      if bbox_label == ignore_label:
      # for ignored bboxes, only non-overlapped pixels are encoded as ignored
      bbox_ignore_pixel_mask = bbox_mask * not_overlapped_mask
      pixel_cls_label += bbox_ignore_pixel_mask * ignore_label

      if labels[bbox_idx] == background_label:
      # from here on, only text boxes left.

      # for positive bboxes, all pixels within it and pos_mask are positive
      bbox_positive_pixel_mask = bbox_mask * pos_mask
      # background or text is encoded into cls gt
      pixel_cls_label += bbox_positive_pixel_mask * bbox_label

      # for the pixel cls weights, only positive pixels are set to ones
      if pixel_cls_weight_method == PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_all_ones:
      pixel_cls_weight += bbox_positive_pixel_mask
      elif pixel_cls_weight_method == PIXEL_CLS_WEIGHT_bbox_balanced:
      # let N denote num_positive_pixels
      # weight per pixel = N /num_positive_bboxes / n_pixels_in_bbox
      # so all pixel weights in this bbox sum to N/num_positive_bboxes
      # and all pixels weights in this image sum to N, the same
      # as setting all weights to 1
      num_bbox_pixels = np.sum(bbox_positive_pixel_mask)
      if num_bbox_pixels > 0:
      per_bbox_weight = num_positive_pixels * 1.0 / num_positive_bboxes
      per_pixel_weight = per_bbox_weight / num_bbox_pixels
      pixel_cls_weight += bbox_positive_pixel_mask * per_pixel_weight
      raise ValueError, 'pixel_cls_weight_method not supported:%s'

      ## calculate the labels and weights of links
      ### for all pixels in bboxes, all links are positive at first
      bbox_point_cords = np.where(bbox_positive_pixel_mask)
      pixel_link_label[bbox_point_cords] = 1

      ## the border of bboxes might be distored because of overlapping
      ## so recalculate it, and find the border mask
      new_bbox_contours = util.img.find_contours(bbox_positive_pixel_mask)
      bbox_border_mask = mask.copy()
      util.img.draw_contours(bbox_border_mask, new_bbox_contours, -1,
      color = 1, border_width = bbox_border_width * 2 + 1)
      bbox_border_mask *= bbox_positive_pixel_mask
      bbox_border_cords = np.where(bbox_border_mask)

      ## give more weight to the border pixels if configured
      pixel_cls_weight[bbox_border_cords] *= pixel_cls_border_weight_lambda

      ### change link labels according to their neighbour status
      border_points = zip(*bbox_border_cords)
      def in_bbox(nx, ny):
      return bbox_positive_pixel_mask[ny, nx]

      for y, x in border_points:
      neighbours = get_neighbours(x, y)
      for n_idx, (nx, ny) in enumerate(neighbours):
      if not is_valid_cord(nx, ny, w, h) or not in_bbox(nx, ny):
      pixel_link_label[y, x, n_idx] = 0

      pixel_cls_weight = np.asarray(pixel_cls_weight, dtype = np.float32)
      pixel_link_weight *= np.expand_dims(pixel_cls_weight, axis = -1)

      # try:
      # np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(pixel_cls_weight), num_positive_pixels, decimal = 1)
      # except:
      # print num_positive_pixels, np.sum(pixel_cls_label), np.sum(pixel_cls_weight)
      # import pdb
      # pdb.set_trace()
      return pixel_cls_label, pixel_cls_weight, pixel_link_label, pixel_link_weight

      #=====================Ground Truth Calculation End====================

      #============================Decode Begin=============================

      def tf_decode_score_map_to_mask_in_batch(pixel_cls_scores, pixel_link_scores):
      masks = tf.py_func(decode_batch,
      [pixel_cls_scores, pixel_link_scores], tf.int32)
      b, h, w = pixel_cls_scores.shape.as_list()
      masks.set_shape([b, h, w])
      return masks

      def decode_batch(pixel_cls_scores, pixel_link_scores,
      pixel_conf_threshold = None, link_conf_threshold = None):
      import config

      if pixel_conf_threshold is None:
      pixel_conf_threshold = config.pixel_conf_threshold

      if link_conf_threshold is None:
      link_conf_threshold = config.link_conf_threshold

      batch_size = pixel_cls_scores.shape[0]
      batch_mask = []
      for image_idx in xrange(batch_size):
      image_pos_pixel_scores = pixel_cls_scores[image_idx, :, :]
      image_pos_link_scores = pixel_link_scores[image_idx, :, :, :]
      mask = decode_image(
      image_pos_pixel_scores, image_pos_link_scores,
      pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold
      return np.asarray(batch_mask, np.int32)

      # @util.dec.print_calling_in_short
      # @util.dec.timeit
      def decode_image(pixel_scores, link_scores,
      pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold):
      import config
      if config.decode_method == DECODE_METHOD_join:
      mask = decode_image_by_join(pixel_scores, link_scores,
      pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold)
      return mask
      elif config.decode_method == DECODE_METHOD_border_split:
      return decode_image_by_border(pixel_scores, link_scores,
      pixel_conf_threshold, link_conf_threshold)
      raise ValueError('Unknow decode method:%s'%(config.decode_method))

      import pyximport; pyximport.install()
      from pixel_link_decode import decode_image_by_join

      def min_area_rect(cnt):
      xs: numpy ndarray with shape=(N,4). N is the number of oriented bboxes. 4 contains [x1, x2, x3, x4]
      ys: numpy ndarray with shape=(N,4), [y1, y2, y3, y4]
      Note that [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)] can represent an oriented bbox.
      the oriented rects sorrounding the box, in the format:[cx, cy, w, h, theta].
      rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt)
      cx, cy = rect[0]
      w, h = rect[1]
      theta = rect[2]
      box = [cx, cy, w, h, theta]
      return box, w * h

      def rect_to_xys(rect, image_shape):
      """Convert rect to xys, i.e., eight points
      The `image_shape` is used to to make sure all points return are valid, i.e., within image area
      h, w = image_shape[0:2]
      def get_valid_x(x):
      if x < 0:
      return 0
      if x >= w:
      return w - 1
      return x

      def get_valid_y(y):
      if y < 0:
      return 0
      if y >= h:
      return h - 1
      return y

      rect = ((rect[0], rect[1]), (rect[2], rect[3]), rect[4])
      points =
      points = np.int0(points)
      for i_xy, (x, y) in enumerate(points):
      x = get_valid_x(x)
      y = get_valid_y(y)
      points[i_xy, :] = [x, y]
      points = np.reshape(points, -1)
      return points

      # @util.dec.print_calling_in_short
      # @util.dec.timeit
      def mask_to_bboxes(mask, image_shape = None, min_area = None,
      min_height = None, min_aspect_ratio = None):
      import config
      feed_shape = config.train_image_shape

      if image_shape is None:
      image_shape = feed_shape

      image_h, image_w = image_shape[0:2]

      if min_area is None:
      min_area = config.min_area

      if min_height is None:
      min_height = config.min_height
      bboxes = []
      max_bbox_idx = mask.max()
      mask = util.img.resize(img = mask, size = (image_w, image_h),
      interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST)

      for bbox_idx in xrange(1, max_bbox_idx + 1):
      bbox_mask = mask == bbox_idx
      # if bbox_mask.sum() < 10:
      # continue
      cnts = util.img.find_contours(bbox_mask)
      if len(cnts) == 0:
      cnt = cnts[0]
      rect, rect_area = min_area_rect(cnt)

      w, h = rect[2:-1]
      if min(w, h) < min_height:

      if rect_area < min_area:

      # if max(w, h) * 1.0 / min(w, h) < 2:
      # continue
      xys = rect_to_xys(rect, image_shape)

      return bboxes

      Any suggestions?

      Is there any approach that is more suitable for the problem I'm trying to solve?

      neural-network convolution

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Feb 22 at 6:20


      asked Feb 21 at 10:25




          1 Answer






          If you want something like that, you can try to test it with already existing & online app like the following :

          If this is what you want, you can create one :

          1) First locate boundaries for text

          2) Convert it to text

          This is quite complicated bu you can still use what is called OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and therefore search for it in github and use open source projects as a starter like the following :

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            First, I wanted to segment the image into different blocks with its corresponding labels. And then, I will extract the texts along with labels to a text file.
            – DGS
            Feb 21 at 16:29

          • $begingroup$
            Don't hesitate to use existing open source projects, there is no shame for that :)
            – LaSul
            Feb 21 at 17:47

          • $begingroup$
            I don't have any problem in extracting texts from image. My primary concern is label and detect the text block elements in the image as mentioned in Note section..
            – DGS
            Feb 22 at 6:19

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer












          If you want something like that, you can try to test it with already existing & online app like the following :

          If this is what you want, you can create one :

          1) First locate boundaries for text

          2) Convert it to text

          This is quite complicated bu you can still use what is called OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and therefore search for it in github and use open source projects as a starter like the following :

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            First, I wanted to segment the image into different blocks with its corresponding labels. And then, I will extract the texts along with labels to a text file.
            – DGS
            Feb 21 at 16:29

          • $begingroup$
            Don't hesitate to use existing open source projects, there is no shame for that :)
            – LaSul
            Feb 21 at 17:47

          • $begingroup$
            I don't have any problem in extracting texts from image. My primary concern is label and detect the text block elements in the image as mentioned in Note section..
            – DGS
            Feb 22 at 6:19



          If you want something like that, you can try to test it with already existing & online app like the following :

          If this is what you want, you can create one :

          1) First locate boundaries for text

          2) Convert it to text

          This is quite complicated bu you can still use what is called OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and therefore search for it in github and use open source projects as a starter like the following :

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            First, I wanted to segment the image into different blocks with its corresponding labels. And then, I will extract the texts along with labels to a text file.
            – DGS
            Feb 21 at 16:29

          • $begingroup$
            Don't hesitate to use existing open source projects, there is no shame for that :)
            – LaSul
            Feb 21 at 17:47

          • $begingroup$
            I don't have any problem in extracting texts from image. My primary concern is label and detect the text block elements in the image as mentioned in Note section..
            – DGS
            Feb 22 at 6:19





          If you want something like that, you can try to test it with already existing & online app like the following :

          If this is what you want, you can create one :

          1) First locate boundaries for text

          2) Convert it to text

          This is quite complicated bu you can still use what is called OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and therefore search for it in github and use open source projects as a starter like the following :

          share|improve this answer


          If you want something like that, you can try to test it with already existing & online app like the following :

          If this is what you want, you can create one :

          1) First locate boundaries for text

          2) Convert it to text

          This is quite complicated bu you can still use what is called OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and therefore search for it in github and use open source projects as a starter like the following :

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Feb 21 at 13:53




          • $begingroup$
            First, I wanted to segment the image into different blocks with its corresponding labels. And then, I will extract the texts along with labels to a text file.
            – DGS
            Feb 21 at 16:29

          • $begingroup$
            Don't hesitate to use existing open source projects, there is no shame for that :)
            – LaSul
            Feb 21 at 17:47

          • $begingroup$
            I don't have any problem in extracting texts from image. My primary concern is label and detect the text block elements in the image as mentioned in Note section..
            – DGS
            Feb 22 at 6:19

          • $begingroup$
            First, I wanted to segment the image into different blocks with its corresponding labels. And then, I will extract the texts along with labels to a text file.
            – DGS
            Feb 21 at 16:29

          • $begingroup$
            Don't hesitate to use existing open source projects, there is no shame for that :)
            – LaSul
            Feb 21 at 17:47

          • $begingroup$
            I don't have any problem in extracting texts from image. My primary concern is label and detect the text block elements in the image as mentioned in Note section..
            – DGS
            Feb 22 at 6:19

          First, I wanted to segment the image into different blocks with its corresponding labels. And then, I will extract the texts along with labels to a text file.
          – DGS
          Feb 21 at 16:29

          First, I wanted to segment the image into different blocks with its corresponding labels. And then, I will extract the texts along with labels to a text file.
          – DGS
          Feb 21 at 16:29

          Don't hesitate to use existing open source projects, there is no shame for that :)
          – LaSul
          Feb 21 at 17:47

          Don't hesitate to use existing open source projects, there is no shame for that :)
          – LaSul
          Feb 21 at 17:47

          I don't have any problem in extracting texts from image. My primary concern is label and detect the text block elements in the image as mentioned in Note section..
          – DGS
          Feb 22 at 6:19

          I don't have any problem in extracting texts from image. My primary concern is label and detect the text block elements in the image as mentioned in Note section..
          – DGS
          Feb 22 at 6:19

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