How to find image of a complex function with given constraints? Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern) Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?What are the most common pitfalls awaiting new users?Draw the image of a complex regionFinding residues of multi-dimensional complex functionsMulti-dimensional integral in the complex plane with poles and essential singularityMinkowski sum and product of 2D-regionsFind regions in which the roots of a third degree polynomial are realHow to find function existence borderUsing MaxValue with complex argumentHow to maximize the modulus of a multivariate complex-valued function?Defining 3rd variable for parametricplot3D of two-variable complex functionHow to achieve faster performance on plotting complex valued functionsComplex continuation of an interpolated function
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How to find image of a complex function with given constraints?
Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)
Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?What are the most common pitfalls awaiting new users?Draw the image of a complex regionFinding residues of multi-dimensional complex functionsMulti-dimensional integral in the complex plane with poles and essential singularityMinkowski sum and product of 2D-regionsFind regions in which the roots of a third degree polynomial are realHow to find function existence borderUsing MaxValue with complex argumentHow to maximize the modulus of a multivariate complex-valued function?Defining 3rd variable for parametricplot3D of two-variable complex functionHow to achieve faster performance on plotting complex valued functionsComplex continuation of an interpolated function
I am very new to Mathematica. I have started learning it only last month. I would like to graph the image of some complex valued polynomials with some provided conditions. For example: $$ p(z_1,z_2,z_3)=z_1z_2^2 +z_2z_3+z_1z_3,$$ given that $|z_1|=1, |z_2|=2=|z_3|$.
graphics complex regions
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I am very new to Mathematica. I have started learning it only last month. I would like to graph the image of some complex valued polynomials with some provided conditions. For example: $$ p(z_1,z_2,z_3)=z_1z_2^2 +z_2z_3+z_1z_3,$$ given that $|z_1|=1, |z_2|=2=|z_3|$.
graphics complex regions
– Alrubaie
Mar 31 at 16:41
Possible duplicate of Draw the image of a complex region
– MarcoB
Mar 31 at 17:22
Do you want to draw the image or do you want a symbolic-algebraic description of the image?
– Michael E2
Mar 31 at 18:48
People here generally like users to post code as Mathematica code instead of just images or TeX, so they can copy-paste it. It makes it convenient for them and more likely you will get someone to help you. You may find this meta Q&A helpful
– Michael E2
Mar 31 at 18:50
@Michael E2, Great point! I've updated my answer to include the algebraic description as well. Thank you!
– mjw
Mar 31 at 19:27
show 1 more comment
I am very new to Mathematica. I have started learning it only last month. I would like to graph the image of some complex valued polynomials with some provided conditions. For example: $$ p(z_1,z_2,z_3)=z_1z_2^2 +z_2z_3+z_1z_3,$$ given that $|z_1|=1, |z_2|=2=|z_3|$.
graphics complex regions
I am very new to Mathematica. I have started learning it only last month. I would like to graph the image of some complex valued polynomials with some provided conditions. For example: $$ p(z_1,z_2,z_3)=z_1z_2^2 +z_2z_3+z_1z_3,$$ given that $|z_1|=1, |z_2|=2=|z_3|$.
graphics complex regions
graphics complex regions
edited Apr 1 at 12:22
Michael E2
asked Mar 31 at 15:56
– Alrubaie
Mar 31 at 16:41
Possible duplicate of Draw the image of a complex region
– MarcoB
Mar 31 at 17:22
Do you want to draw the image or do you want a symbolic-algebraic description of the image?
– Michael E2
Mar 31 at 18:48
People here generally like users to post code as Mathematica code instead of just images or TeX, so they can copy-paste it. It makes it convenient for them and more likely you will get someone to help you. You may find this meta Q&A helpful
– Michael E2
Mar 31 at 18:50
@Michael E2, Great point! I've updated my answer to include the algebraic description as well. Thank you!
– mjw
Mar 31 at 19:27
show 1 more comment
– Alrubaie
Mar 31 at 16:41
Possible duplicate of Draw the image of a complex region
– MarcoB
Mar 31 at 17:22
Do you want to draw the image or do you want a symbolic-algebraic description of the image?
– Michael E2
Mar 31 at 18:48
People here generally like users to post code as Mathematica code instead of just images or TeX, so they can copy-paste it. It makes it convenient for them and more likely you will get someone to help you. You may find this meta Q&A helpful
– Michael E2
Mar 31 at 18:50
@Michael E2, Great point! I've updated my answer to include the algebraic description as well. Thank you!
– mjw
Mar 31 at 19:27
– Alrubaie
Mar 31 at 16:41
– Alrubaie
Mar 31 at 16:41
Possible duplicate of Draw the image of a complex region
– MarcoB
Mar 31 at 17:22
Possible duplicate of Draw the image of a complex region
– MarcoB
Mar 31 at 17:22
Do you want to draw the image or do you want a symbolic-algebraic description of the image?
– Michael E2
Mar 31 at 18:48
Do you want to draw the image or do you want a symbolic-algebraic description of the image?
– Michael E2
Mar 31 at 18:48
People here generally like users to post code as Mathematica code instead of just images or TeX, so they can copy-paste it. It makes it convenient for them and more likely you will get someone to help you. You may find this meta Q&A helpful
– Michael E2
Mar 31 at 18:50
People here generally like users to post code as Mathematica code instead of just images or TeX, so they can copy-paste it. It makes it convenient for them and more likely you will get someone to help you. You may find this meta Q&A helpful
– Michael E2
Mar 31 at 18:50
@Michael E2, Great point! I've updated my answer to include the algebraic description as well. Thank you!
– mjw
Mar 31 at 19:27
@Michael E2, Great point! I've updated my answer to include the algebraic description as well. Thank you!
– mjw
Mar 31 at 19:27
show 1 more comment
4 Answers
On the boundary of the image the Jacobian will be singular:
Clear[r, s, t, u, v, w];
Block[z1 = Exp[I r], z2 = 2 Exp[I s], z3 = 2 Exp[I t],
expr = ComplexExpand[ReIm[z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3]]]
(* 4 Cos[r+2 s]+2 Cos[r+t]+4 Cos[s+t], 4 Sin[r+2 s]+2 Sin[r+t]+4 Sin[s+t] *)
sub = r + t -> u, s + t -> v, r + 2 s -> w;(* see simplified Jacobian *)
jac = D[expr, r, s, t]; (* Jacobian is 2 x 3 *)
singRST = Equal @@ Divide @@ jac // Simplify (* Singular if rows are proportional *)
singUVW = singRST /. sub // Simplify
(* Solve cannot solve the system, unless we cut it into bite-size pieces *)
solv = Solve[singUVW[[;; 2]], v] /. C[1] -> 0;
singUW = singUVW[[2 ;;]] /. solv // Simplify;
solu = Solve[#, u] & /@ singUW;
-((2 Sin[r + 2 s] + Sin[r + t])/(2 Cos[r + 2 s] + Cos[r + t])) ==
-((2 Sin[r + 2 s] + Sin[s + t])/(2 Cos[r + 2 s] + Cos[s + t])) ==
-((Sin[r + t] + 2 Sin[s + t])/(Cos[r + t] + 2 Cos[s + t]))
-((Sin[u] + 2 Sin[w])/(Cos[u] + 2 Cos[w])) ==
-((Sin[v] + 2 Sin[w])/(Cos[v] + 2 Cos[w])) ==
-((Sin[u] + 2 Sin[v])/(Cos[u] + 2 Cos[v]))
(* fix sub so that it works on a general expression *)
invsub = First@Solve[Equal @@@ sub, u, v, w];
sub = First@Solve[Equal @@@ invsub, r, s, t];
(*some u solutions are complex*)
realu = List /@ Cases[Flatten@solu, _?(FreeQ[#, Complex] &)];
boundaries = PiecewiseExpand /@
TrigExpand@Simplify[Simplify[expr /. sub] /. solv] /. realu //
Flatten[#, 1] &, 0 <= w < 2 Pi];
ParametricPlot[boundaries // Evaluate, w, 0, 2 Pi]
Well, it's only a start, since you have to check in the interior boundaries to see whether they might be holes. But @HenrikSchumacher has done that already.
Amazing idea to look for critical points of the Jacobian. Good job!
– Henrik Schumacher
Mar 31 at 20:55
In my Mathematica do I have to load some packages as I am not getting any graph?
Apr 1 at 4:59
@XYZ, did you try running it in a newly opened Mathematica notebook? If it didn't work there, please mention what version number you are using.
– J. M. is away♦
Apr 1 at 6:46
@XYZABC It seems there may have been two problems. Copying and pasting from the site to M messed up some newlines, which changed the meaning of%
. The other was that I added a line but put it in out of order in the edit. I've removed all the%
and replaced them with variables. It should be fixed now.
– Michael E2
Apr 1 at 11:46
Could you please explain me the code singRST = Equal @@ Divide @@ jac // Simplify Or maybe give me some reference so that I can go through it.
Apr 1 at 14:39
show 1 more comment
By letting $z_1,z_2,z_3$ trace out circles, we can see some beautiful curves that live within that blob!
p[z1_, z2_, z3_] := z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3;
q[t_][a1_, a2_, b1_, b2_, c1_, c2_] :=
p[Exp[ I (a1 t + a2)], 2 Exp[ I (b1 t + b2)], 2 Exp[ I (c1 t + c2)]];
ParametricPlot[Re[q[ t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]],
Im[q[ t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]], t, 0, 2 [Pi],
Axes -> False, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> -12, 12,-12, 12],
a1, -5, 5,a2, 0, 2 [Pi],b1, -5, 5,b2, 0, 2 [Pi],
c1, -5, 5,c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
Here is a look at the analytical form of these curves:
ComplexExpand@ReIm[q[t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]],
a1, -5, 5, a2, 0, 2 [Pi], b1, -5, 5, b2, 0, 2 [Pi],
c1, -5, 5, c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
FullSimplify[q[t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]], a1, -5, 5, a2, 0,
2 [Pi], b1, -5, 5, b2, 0, 2 [Pi], c1, -5, 5, c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
add a comment |
Not very elegant, but this might give you a coarse idea.
z1 = Exp[I r];
z2 = 2 Exp[I s];
z3 = 2 Exp[I t];
expr = ComplexExpand[ReIm[z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3]];
f = r, s, t [Function] Evaluate[expr];
R = DiscretizeRegion[Cuboid[-1, -1, -1 Pi, 1, 1, 1 Pi],
MaxCellMeasure -> 0.0125];
pts = f @@@ MeshCoordinates[R];
triangles = MeshCells[R, 2, "Multicells" -> True][[1]];
Red, Disk[0, 0, 10],
FaceForm[Black], EdgeForm[Thin],
GraphicsComplex[pts, triangles]
Axes -> True
Could be the disk of radius 10...
The image is clearly a subset of the disk of radius 10. Perhaps somebody could prove that this is the region or show a point that is not included.
– mjw
Apr 1 at 16:41
add a comment |
Here's another numerical approach, similar to @Henrik's, but without the mesh overhead. It can be generalized to more variables easily. It requires some manual intervention to code the constraints on the variables.
poly = z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3;
vars = Variables[poly];
constrVars = Thread[vars -> 1, 2, 2 Array[Exp[I #] &@*Slot, Length@vars]]
(* z1 -> E^(I #1), z2 -> 2 E^(I #2), z3 -> 2 E^(I #3) *)
polyFN = poly /. constrVars // Evaluate // Function;
polyFN @@ RandomReal[0, 2 Pi, Length@vars, 5 10^4] // ReIm // Point,
Frame -> True]
We can see ghosts of some of the boundaries
in my other answer.
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4 Answers
4 Answers
On the boundary of the image the Jacobian will be singular:
Clear[r, s, t, u, v, w];
Block[z1 = Exp[I r], z2 = 2 Exp[I s], z3 = 2 Exp[I t],
expr = ComplexExpand[ReIm[z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3]]]
(* 4 Cos[r+2 s]+2 Cos[r+t]+4 Cos[s+t], 4 Sin[r+2 s]+2 Sin[r+t]+4 Sin[s+t] *)
sub = r + t -> u, s + t -> v, r + 2 s -> w;(* see simplified Jacobian *)
jac = D[expr, r, s, t]; (* Jacobian is 2 x 3 *)
singRST = Equal @@ Divide @@ jac // Simplify (* Singular if rows are proportional *)
singUVW = singRST /. sub // Simplify
(* Solve cannot solve the system, unless we cut it into bite-size pieces *)
solv = Solve[singUVW[[;; 2]], v] /. C[1] -> 0;
singUW = singUVW[[2 ;;]] /. solv // Simplify;
solu = Solve[#, u] & /@ singUW;
-((2 Sin[r + 2 s] + Sin[r + t])/(2 Cos[r + 2 s] + Cos[r + t])) ==
-((2 Sin[r + 2 s] + Sin[s + t])/(2 Cos[r + 2 s] + Cos[s + t])) ==
-((Sin[r + t] + 2 Sin[s + t])/(Cos[r + t] + 2 Cos[s + t]))
-((Sin[u] + 2 Sin[w])/(Cos[u] + 2 Cos[w])) ==
-((Sin[v] + 2 Sin[w])/(Cos[v] + 2 Cos[w])) ==
-((Sin[u] + 2 Sin[v])/(Cos[u] + 2 Cos[v]))
(* fix sub so that it works on a general expression *)
invsub = First@Solve[Equal @@@ sub, u, v, w];
sub = First@Solve[Equal @@@ invsub, r, s, t];
(*some u solutions are complex*)
realu = List /@ Cases[Flatten@solu, _?(FreeQ[#, Complex] &)];
boundaries = PiecewiseExpand /@
TrigExpand@Simplify[Simplify[expr /. sub] /. solv] /. realu //
Flatten[#, 1] &, 0 <= w < 2 Pi];
ParametricPlot[boundaries // Evaluate, w, 0, 2 Pi]
Well, it's only a start, since you have to check in the interior boundaries to see whether they might be holes. But @HenrikSchumacher has done that already.
Amazing idea to look for critical points of the Jacobian. Good job!
– Henrik Schumacher
Mar 31 at 20:55
In my Mathematica do I have to load some packages as I am not getting any graph?
Apr 1 at 4:59
@XYZ, did you try running it in a newly opened Mathematica notebook? If it didn't work there, please mention what version number you are using.
– J. M. is away♦
Apr 1 at 6:46
@XYZABC It seems there may have been two problems. Copying and pasting from the site to M messed up some newlines, which changed the meaning of%
. The other was that I added a line but put it in out of order in the edit. I've removed all the%
and replaced them with variables. It should be fixed now.
– Michael E2
Apr 1 at 11:46
Could you please explain me the code singRST = Equal @@ Divide @@ jac // Simplify Or maybe give me some reference so that I can go through it.
Apr 1 at 14:39
show 1 more comment
On the boundary of the image the Jacobian will be singular:
Clear[r, s, t, u, v, w];
Block[z1 = Exp[I r], z2 = 2 Exp[I s], z3 = 2 Exp[I t],
expr = ComplexExpand[ReIm[z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3]]]
(* 4 Cos[r+2 s]+2 Cos[r+t]+4 Cos[s+t], 4 Sin[r+2 s]+2 Sin[r+t]+4 Sin[s+t] *)
sub = r + t -> u, s + t -> v, r + 2 s -> w;(* see simplified Jacobian *)
jac = D[expr, r, s, t]; (* Jacobian is 2 x 3 *)
singRST = Equal @@ Divide @@ jac // Simplify (* Singular if rows are proportional *)
singUVW = singRST /. sub // Simplify
(* Solve cannot solve the system, unless we cut it into bite-size pieces *)
solv = Solve[singUVW[[;; 2]], v] /. C[1] -> 0;
singUW = singUVW[[2 ;;]] /. solv // Simplify;
solu = Solve[#, u] & /@ singUW;
-((2 Sin[r + 2 s] + Sin[r + t])/(2 Cos[r + 2 s] + Cos[r + t])) ==
-((2 Sin[r + 2 s] + Sin[s + t])/(2 Cos[r + 2 s] + Cos[s + t])) ==
-((Sin[r + t] + 2 Sin[s + t])/(Cos[r + t] + 2 Cos[s + t]))
-((Sin[u] + 2 Sin[w])/(Cos[u] + 2 Cos[w])) ==
-((Sin[v] + 2 Sin[w])/(Cos[v] + 2 Cos[w])) ==
-((Sin[u] + 2 Sin[v])/(Cos[u] + 2 Cos[v]))
(* fix sub so that it works on a general expression *)
invsub = First@Solve[Equal @@@ sub, u, v, w];
sub = First@Solve[Equal @@@ invsub, r, s, t];
(*some u solutions are complex*)
realu = List /@ Cases[Flatten@solu, _?(FreeQ[#, Complex] &)];
boundaries = PiecewiseExpand /@
TrigExpand@Simplify[Simplify[expr /. sub] /. solv] /. realu //
Flatten[#, 1] &, 0 <= w < 2 Pi];
ParametricPlot[boundaries // Evaluate, w, 0, 2 Pi]
Well, it's only a start, since you have to check in the interior boundaries to see whether they might be holes. But @HenrikSchumacher has done that already.
Amazing idea to look for critical points of the Jacobian. Good job!
– Henrik Schumacher
Mar 31 at 20:55
In my Mathematica do I have to load some packages as I am not getting any graph?
Apr 1 at 4:59
@XYZ, did you try running it in a newly opened Mathematica notebook? If it didn't work there, please mention what version number you are using.
– J. M. is away♦
Apr 1 at 6:46
@XYZABC It seems there may have been two problems. Copying and pasting from the site to M messed up some newlines, which changed the meaning of%
. The other was that I added a line but put it in out of order in the edit. I've removed all the%
and replaced them with variables. It should be fixed now.
– Michael E2
Apr 1 at 11:46
Could you please explain me the code singRST = Equal @@ Divide @@ jac // Simplify Or maybe give me some reference so that I can go through it.
Apr 1 at 14:39
show 1 more comment
On the boundary of the image the Jacobian will be singular:
Clear[r, s, t, u, v, w];
Block[z1 = Exp[I r], z2 = 2 Exp[I s], z3 = 2 Exp[I t],
expr = ComplexExpand[ReIm[z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3]]]
(* 4 Cos[r+2 s]+2 Cos[r+t]+4 Cos[s+t], 4 Sin[r+2 s]+2 Sin[r+t]+4 Sin[s+t] *)
sub = r + t -> u, s + t -> v, r + 2 s -> w;(* see simplified Jacobian *)
jac = D[expr, r, s, t]; (* Jacobian is 2 x 3 *)
singRST = Equal @@ Divide @@ jac // Simplify (* Singular if rows are proportional *)
singUVW = singRST /. sub // Simplify
(* Solve cannot solve the system, unless we cut it into bite-size pieces *)
solv = Solve[singUVW[[;; 2]], v] /. C[1] -> 0;
singUW = singUVW[[2 ;;]] /. solv // Simplify;
solu = Solve[#, u] & /@ singUW;
-((2 Sin[r + 2 s] + Sin[r + t])/(2 Cos[r + 2 s] + Cos[r + t])) ==
-((2 Sin[r + 2 s] + Sin[s + t])/(2 Cos[r + 2 s] + Cos[s + t])) ==
-((Sin[r + t] + 2 Sin[s + t])/(Cos[r + t] + 2 Cos[s + t]))
-((Sin[u] + 2 Sin[w])/(Cos[u] + 2 Cos[w])) ==
-((Sin[v] + 2 Sin[w])/(Cos[v] + 2 Cos[w])) ==
-((Sin[u] + 2 Sin[v])/(Cos[u] + 2 Cos[v]))
(* fix sub so that it works on a general expression *)
invsub = First@Solve[Equal @@@ sub, u, v, w];
sub = First@Solve[Equal @@@ invsub, r, s, t];
(*some u solutions are complex*)
realu = List /@ Cases[Flatten@solu, _?(FreeQ[#, Complex] &)];
boundaries = PiecewiseExpand /@
TrigExpand@Simplify[Simplify[expr /. sub] /. solv] /. realu //
Flatten[#, 1] &, 0 <= w < 2 Pi];
ParametricPlot[boundaries // Evaluate, w, 0, 2 Pi]
Well, it's only a start, since you have to check in the interior boundaries to see whether they might be holes. But @HenrikSchumacher has done that already.
On the boundary of the image the Jacobian will be singular:
Clear[r, s, t, u, v, w];
Block[z1 = Exp[I r], z2 = 2 Exp[I s], z3 = 2 Exp[I t],
expr = ComplexExpand[ReIm[z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3]]]
(* 4 Cos[r+2 s]+2 Cos[r+t]+4 Cos[s+t], 4 Sin[r+2 s]+2 Sin[r+t]+4 Sin[s+t] *)
sub = r + t -> u, s + t -> v, r + 2 s -> w;(* see simplified Jacobian *)
jac = D[expr, r, s, t]; (* Jacobian is 2 x 3 *)
singRST = Equal @@ Divide @@ jac // Simplify (* Singular if rows are proportional *)
singUVW = singRST /. sub // Simplify
(* Solve cannot solve the system, unless we cut it into bite-size pieces *)
solv = Solve[singUVW[[;; 2]], v] /. C[1] -> 0;
singUW = singUVW[[2 ;;]] /. solv // Simplify;
solu = Solve[#, u] & /@ singUW;
-((2 Sin[r + 2 s] + Sin[r + t])/(2 Cos[r + 2 s] + Cos[r + t])) ==
-((2 Sin[r + 2 s] + Sin[s + t])/(2 Cos[r + 2 s] + Cos[s + t])) ==
-((Sin[r + t] + 2 Sin[s + t])/(Cos[r + t] + 2 Cos[s + t]))
-((Sin[u] + 2 Sin[w])/(Cos[u] + 2 Cos[w])) ==
-((Sin[v] + 2 Sin[w])/(Cos[v] + 2 Cos[w])) ==
-((Sin[u] + 2 Sin[v])/(Cos[u] + 2 Cos[v]))
(* fix sub so that it works on a general expression *)
invsub = First@Solve[Equal @@@ sub, u, v, w];
sub = First@Solve[Equal @@@ invsub, r, s, t];
(*some u solutions are complex*)
realu = List /@ Cases[Flatten@solu, _?(FreeQ[#, Complex] &)];
boundaries = PiecewiseExpand /@
TrigExpand@Simplify[Simplify[expr /. sub] /. solv] /. realu //
Flatten[#, 1] &, 0 <= w < 2 Pi];
ParametricPlot[boundaries // Evaluate, w, 0, 2 Pi]
Well, it's only a start, since you have to check in the interior boundaries to see whether they might be holes. But @HenrikSchumacher has done that already.
edited Apr 1 at 12:28
answered Mar 31 at 20:32
Michael E2Michael E2
Amazing idea to look for critical points of the Jacobian. Good job!
– Henrik Schumacher
Mar 31 at 20:55
In my Mathematica do I have to load some packages as I am not getting any graph?
Apr 1 at 4:59
@XYZ, did you try running it in a newly opened Mathematica notebook? If it didn't work there, please mention what version number you are using.
– J. M. is away♦
Apr 1 at 6:46
@XYZABC It seems there may have been two problems. Copying and pasting from the site to M messed up some newlines, which changed the meaning of%
. The other was that I added a line but put it in out of order in the edit. I've removed all the%
and replaced them with variables. It should be fixed now.
– Michael E2
Apr 1 at 11:46
Could you please explain me the code singRST = Equal @@ Divide @@ jac // Simplify Or maybe give me some reference so that I can go through it.
Apr 1 at 14:39
show 1 more comment
Amazing idea to look for critical points of the Jacobian. Good job!
– Henrik Schumacher
Mar 31 at 20:55
In my Mathematica do I have to load some packages as I am not getting any graph?
Apr 1 at 4:59
@XYZ, did you try running it in a newly opened Mathematica notebook? If it didn't work there, please mention what version number you are using.
– J. M. is away♦
Apr 1 at 6:46
@XYZABC It seems there may have been two problems. Copying and pasting from the site to M messed up some newlines, which changed the meaning of%
. The other was that I added a line but put it in out of order in the edit. I've removed all the%
and replaced them with variables. It should be fixed now.
– Michael E2
Apr 1 at 11:46
Could you please explain me the code singRST = Equal @@ Divide @@ jac // Simplify Or maybe give me some reference so that I can go through it.
Apr 1 at 14:39
Amazing idea to look for critical points of the Jacobian. Good job!
– Henrik Schumacher
Mar 31 at 20:55
Amazing idea to look for critical points of the Jacobian. Good job!
– Henrik Schumacher
Mar 31 at 20:55
In my Mathematica do I have to load some packages as I am not getting any graph?
Apr 1 at 4:59
In my Mathematica do I have to load some packages as I am not getting any graph?
Apr 1 at 4:59
@XYZ, did you try running it in a newly opened Mathematica notebook? If it didn't work there, please mention what version number you are using.
– J. M. is away♦
Apr 1 at 6:46
@XYZ, did you try running it in a newly opened Mathematica notebook? If it didn't work there, please mention what version number you are using.
– J. M. is away♦
Apr 1 at 6:46
@XYZABC It seems there may have been two problems. Copying and pasting from the site to M messed up some newlines, which changed the meaning of
. The other was that I added a line but put it in out of order in the edit. I've removed all the %
and replaced them with variables. It should be fixed now.$endgroup$
– Michael E2
Apr 1 at 11:46
@XYZABC It seems there may have been two problems. Copying and pasting from the site to M messed up some newlines, which changed the meaning of
. The other was that I added a line but put it in out of order in the edit. I've removed all the %
and replaced them with variables. It should be fixed now.$endgroup$
– Michael E2
Apr 1 at 11:46
Could you please explain me the code singRST = Equal @@ Divide @@ jac // Simplify Or maybe give me some reference so that I can go through it.
Apr 1 at 14:39
Could you please explain me the code singRST = Equal @@ Divide @@ jac // Simplify Or maybe give me some reference so that I can go through it.
Apr 1 at 14:39
show 1 more comment
By letting $z_1,z_2,z_3$ trace out circles, we can see some beautiful curves that live within that blob!
p[z1_, z2_, z3_] := z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3;
q[t_][a1_, a2_, b1_, b2_, c1_, c2_] :=
p[Exp[ I (a1 t + a2)], 2 Exp[ I (b1 t + b2)], 2 Exp[ I (c1 t + c2)]];
ParametricPlot[Re[q[ t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]],
Im[q[ t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]], t, 0, 2 [Pi],
Axes -> False, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> -12, 12,-12, 12],
a1, -5, 5,a2, 0, 2 [Pi],b1, -5, 5,b2, 0, 2 [Pi],
c1, -5, 5,c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
Here is a look at the analytical form of these curves:
ComplexExpand@ReIm[q[t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]],
a1, -5, 5, a2, 0, 2 [Pi], b1, -5, 5, b2, 0, 2 [Pi],
c1, -5, 5, c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
FullSimplify[q[t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]], a1, -5, 5, a2, 0,
2 [Pi], b1, -5, 5, b2, 0, 2 [Pi], c1, -5, 5, c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
add a comment |
By letting $z_1,z_2,z_3$ trace out circles, we can see some beautiful curves that live within that blob!
p[z1_, z2_, z3_] := z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3;
q[t_][a1_, a2_, b1_, b2_, c1_, c2_] :=
p[Exp[ I (a1 t + a2)], 2 Exp[ I (b1 t + b2)], 2 Exp[ I (c1 t + c2)]];
ParametricPlot[Re[q[ t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]],
Im[q[ t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]], t, 0, 2 [Pi],
Axes -> False, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> -12, 12,-12, 12],
a1, -5, 5,a2, 0, 2 [Pi],b1, -5, 5,b2, 0, 2 [Pi],
c1, -5, 5,c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
Here is a look at the analytical form of these curves:
ComplexExpand@ReIm[q[t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]],
a1, -5, 5, a2, 0, 2 [Pi], b1, -5, 5, b2, 0, 2 [Pi],
c1, -5, 5, c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
FullSimplify[q[t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]], a1, -5, 5, a2, 0,
2 [Pi], b1, -5, 5, b2, 0, 2 [Pi], c1, -5, 5, c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
add a comment |
By letting $z_1,z_2,z_3$ trace out circles, we can see some beautiful curves that live within that blob!
p[z1_, z2_, z3_] := z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3;
q[t_][a1_, a2_, b1_, b2_, c1_, c2_] :=
p[Exp[ I (a1 t + a2)], 2 Exp[ I (b1 t + b2)], 2 Exp[ I (c1 t + c2)]];
ParametricPlot[Re[q[ t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]],
Im[q[ t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]], t, 0, 2 [Pi],
Axes -> False, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> -12, 12,-12, 12],
a1, -5, 5,a2, 0, 2 [Pi],b1, -5, 5,b2, 0, 2 [Pi],
c1, -5, 5,c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
Here is a look at the analytical form of these curves:
ComplexExpand@ReIm[q[t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]],
a1, -5, 5, a2, 0, 2 [Pi], b1, -5, 5, b2, 0, 2 [Pi],
c1, -5, 5, c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
FullSimplify[q[t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]], a1, -5, 5, a2, 0,
2 [Pi], b1, -5, 5, b2, 0, 2 [Pi], c1, -5, 5, c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
By letting $z_1,z_2,z_3$ trace out circles, we can see some beautiful curves that live within that blob!
p[z1_, z2_, z3_] := z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3;
q[t_][a1_, a2_, b1_, b2_, c1_, c2_] :=
p[Exp[ I (a1 t + a2)], 2 Exp[ I (b1 t + b2)], 2 Exp[ I (c1 t + c2)]];
ParametricPlot[Re[q[ t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]],
Im[q[ t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]], t, 0, 2 [Pi],
Axes -> False, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> -12, 12,-12, 12],
a1, -5, 5,a2, 0, 2 [Pi],b1, -5, 5,b2, 0, 2 [Pi],
c1, -5, 5,c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
Here is a look at the analytical form of these curves:
ComplexExpand@ReIm[q[t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]],
a1, -5, 5, a2, 0, 2 [Pi], b1, -5, 5, b2, 0, 2 [Pi],
c1, -5, 5, c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
FullSimplify[q[t][a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2]], a1, -5, 5, a2, 0,
2 [Pi], b1, -5, 5, b2, 0, 2 [Pi], c1, -5, 5, c2, 0, 2 [Pi]]
edited Mar 31 at 20:20
answered Mar 31 at 20:11

add a comment |
add a comment |
Not very elegant, but this might give you a coarse idea.
z1 = Exp[I r];
z2 = 2 Exp[I s];
z3 = 2 Exp[I t];
expr = ComplexExpand[ReIm[z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3]];
f = r, s, t [Function] Evaluate[expr];
R = DiscretizeRegion[Cuboid[-1, -1, -1 Pi, 1, 1, 1 Pi],
MaxCellMeasure -> 0.0125];
pts = f @@@ MeshCoordinates[R];
triangles = MeshCells[R, 2, "Multicells" -> True][[1]];
Red, Disk[0, 0, 10],
FaceForm[Black], EdgeForm[Thin],
GraphicsComplex[pts, triangles]
Axes -> True
Could be the disk of radius 10...
The image is clearly a subset of the disk of radius 10. Perhaps somebody could prove that this is the region or show a point that is not included.
– mjw
Apr 1 at 16:41
add a comment |
Not very elegant, but this might give you a coarse idea.
z1 = Exp[I r];
z2 = 2 Exp[I s];
z3 = 2 Exp[I t];
expr = ComplexExpand[ReIm[z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3]];
f = r, s, t [Function] Evaluate[expr];
R = DiscretizeRegion[Cuboid[-1, -1, -1 Pi, 1, 1, 1 Pi],
MaxCellMeasure -> 0.0125];
pts = f @@@ MeshCoordinates[R];
triangles = MeshCells[R, 2, "Multicells" -> True][[1]];
Red, Disk[0, 0, 10],
FaceForm[Black], EdgeForm[Thin],
GraphicsComplex[pts, triangles]
Axes -> True
Could be the disk of radius 10...
The image is clearly a subset of the disk of radius 10. Perhaps somebody could prove that this is the region or show a point that is not included.
– mjw
Apr 1 at 16:41
add a comment |
Not very elegant, but this might give you a coarse idea.
z1 = Exp[I r];
z2 = 2 Exp[I s];
z3 = 2 Exp[I t];
expr = ComplexExpand[ReIm[z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3]];
f = r, s, t [Function] Evaluate[expr];
R = DiscretizeRegion[Cuboid[-1, -1, -1 Pi, 1, 1, 1 Pi],
MaxCellMeasure -> 0.0125];
pts = f @@@ MeshCoordinates[R];
triangles = MeshCells[R, 2, "Multicells" -> True][[1]];
Red, Disk[0, 0, 10],
FaceForm[Black], EdgeForm[Thin],
GraphicsComplex[pts, triangles]
Axes -> True
Could be the disk of radius 10...
Not very elegant, but this might give you a coarse idea.
z1 = Exp[I r];
z2 = 2 Exp[I s];
z3 = 2 Exp[I t];
expr = ComplexExpand[ReIm[z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3]];
f = r, s, t [Function] Evaluate[expr];
R = DiscretizeRegion[Cuboid[-1, -1, -1 Pi, 1, 1, 1 Pi],
MaxCellMeasure -> 0.0125];
pts = f @@@ MeshCoordinates[R];
triangles = MeshCells[R, 2, "Multicells" -> True][[1]];
Red, Disk[0, 0, 10],
FaceForm[Black], EdgeForm[Thin],
GraphicsComplex[pts, triangles]
Axes -> True
Could be the disk of radius 10...
edited Mar 31 at 20:55
answered Mar 31 at 19:29

Henrik SchumacherHenrik Schumacher
The image is clearly a subset of the disk of radius 10. Perhaps somebody could prove that this is the region or show a point that is not included.
– mjw
Apr 1 at 16:41
add a comment |
The image is clearly a subset of the disk of radius 10. Perhaps somebody could prove that this is the region or show a point that is not included.
– mjw
Apr 1 at 16:41
The image is clearly a subset of the disk of radius 10. Perhaps somebody could prove that this is the region or show a point that is not included.
– mjw
Apr 1 at 16:41
The image is clearly a subset of the disk of radius 10. Perhaps somebody could prove that this is the region or show a point that is not included.
– mjw
Apr 1 at 16:41
add a comment |
Here's another numerical approach, similar to @Henrik's, but without the mesh overhead. It can be generalized to more variables easily. It requires some manual intervention to code the constraints on the variables.
poly = z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3;
vars = Variables[poly];
constrVars = Thread[vars -> 1, 2, 2 Array[Exp[I #] &@*Slot, Length@vars]]
(* z1 -> E^(I #1), z2 -> 2 E^(I #2), z3 -> 2 E^(I #3) *)
polyFN = poly /. constrVars // Evaluate // Function;
polyFN @@ RandomReal[0, 2 Pi, Length@vars, 5 10^4] // ReIm // Point,
Frame -> True]
We can see ghosts of some of the boundaries
in my other answer.
add a comment |
Here's another numerical approach, similar to @Henrik's, but without the mesh overhead. It can be generalized to more variables easily. It requires some manual intervention to code the constraints on the variables.
poly = z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3;
vars = Variables[poly];
constrVars = Thread[vars -> 1, 2, 2 Array[Exp[I #] &@*Slot, Length@vars]]
(* z1 -> E^(I #1), z2 -> 2 E^(I #2), z3 -> 2 E^(I #3) *)
polyFN = poly /. constrVars // Evaluate // Function;
polyFN @@ RandomReal[0, 2 Pi, Length@vars, 5 10^4] // ReIm // Point,
Frame -> True]
We can see ghosts of some of the boundaries
in my other answer.
add a comment |
Here's another numerical approach, similar to @Henrik's, but without the mesh overhead. It can be generalized to more variables easily. It requires some manual intervention to code the constraints on the variables.
poly = z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3;
vars = Variables[poly];
constrVars = Thread[vars -> 1, 2, 2 Array[Exp[I #] &@*Slot, Length@vars]]
(* z1 -> E^(I #1), z2 -> 2 E^(I #2), z3 -> 2 E^(I #3) *)
polyFN = poly /. constrVars // Evaluate // Function;
polyFN @@ RandomReal[0, 2 Pi, Length@vars, 5 10^4] // ReIm // Point,
Frame -> True]
We can see ghosts of some of the boundaries
in my other answer.
Here's another numerical approach, similar to @Henrik's, but without the mesh overhead. It can be generalized to more variables easily. It requires some manual intervention to code the constraints on the variables.
poly = z1 z2^2 + z2 z3 + z1 z3;
vars = Variables[poly];
constrVars = Thread[vars -> 1, 2, 2 Array[Exp[I #] &@*Slot, Length@vars]]
(* z1 -> E^(I #1), z2 -> 2 E^(I #2), z3 -> 2 E^(I #3) *)
polyFN = poly /. constrVars // Evaluate // Function;
polyFN @@ RandomReal[0, 2 Pi, Length@vars, 5 10^4] // ReIm // Point,
Frame -> True]
We can see ghosts of some of the boundaries
in my other answer.
answered Apr 1 at 12:12
Michael E2Michael E2
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– Alrubaie
Mar 31 at 16:41
Possible duplicate of Draw the image of a complex region
– MarcoB
Mar 31 at 17:22
Do you want to draw the image or do you want a symbolic-algebraic description of the image?
– Michael E2
Mar 31 at 18:48
People here generally like users to post code as Mathematica code instead of just images or TeX, so they can copy-paste it. It makes it convenient for them and more likely you will get someone to help you. You may find this meta Q&A helpful
– Michael E2
Mar 31 at 18:50
@Michael E2, Great point! I've updated my answer to include the algebraic description as well. Thank you!
– mjw
Mar 31 at 19:27